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Search results

  1. S

    Fawlty Tower, The Trenches, Liam's Way and Colostomy Crawl Photographs Wanted

    If he is no longer with us. Do we know what happened to his records. BCA library maybe?
  2. S

    Fawlty Tower, The Trenches, Liam's Way and Colostomy Crawl Photographs Wanted

    Do we know where that picture is?
  3. S

    Fawlty Tower, The Trenches, Liam's Way and Colostomy Crawl Photographs Wanted

    I read last night in an old BSA Bulletin, and it states thatJohn Randles took some at the end of the trenches,, the choke which was the limit at the time. This was the early sixties. I haven’t come across them in the TSG library. Is John Randles still alive, does anybody know?
  4. S

    Fawlty Tower, The Trenches, Liam's Way and Colostomy Crawl Photographs Wanted

    This is probably a long shot but as anybody got any pictures they have taken in the connection between Peak Cavern and Speedwell Mine, even if they have been taken on a modern phone. I want them to accompany an article that I am currently putting together.
  5. S

    Modern survey candidates

    Didn't Kevin Dixon more or less re-survey this? I haven't seen a revised published survey anywhere or even a survex model.
  6. S

    Peak Speedwell System Survey Published

    The plan is to add Rowter Hole. I was talking to Mark Richardson about this back in March. Its on my list to do and I was going to contact you to see if you have the plan data and Top files of the new stuff. Mark suggested that I contact you, just not got around to it yet.
  7. S

    Denis Bushell

    Very sad news. Denis was a good guy, I did some good caving trips with him.
  8. S

    Peak Speedwell System Survey Published

    I am trying to get an idea of numbers so I can get them printed. The price of them will be £6, following the payment for the print, the proceeds will be going to the Peak Fund, which pays for replacing the fixed aids in the system. I have PM the ones on the thread who have already shown...
  9. S

    Peak Speedwell System Survey Published

    I will post on here when they are available.
  10. S

    Peak Speedwell System Survey Published

    Somebody asked me on the TSG WhatsApp group when they would be for sale. I provisionally said at the end of the month and will probably bring some to the next club meeting to sell.
  11. S

    Peak Speedwell System Survey Published

    The updated Peak Speedwell System survey has just been published. I took on the updating of the survey following the death of John S Beck in 2015. It has been drawn using Therion Cave Surveying Software (https://therion.speleo.sk/), its been a steep learning curve but certainly worthwhile in...
  12. S

    Environment Agency Water Depth Logger in Castleton

    The well-known ‘cavers step’ upstream of Goosehill Bridge that cavers use for checking the water levels prior to a trip into Peak Cavern has been levelled in as 0.17m on the ruler so if the EA gauge is approaching or over that depth, and the weather forecast is bad, you may wish to abort your...
  13. S

    Environment Agency Water Depth Logger in Castleton

    No not yet but that is on my and John Gunn's list to do in a few weeks time.
  14. S

    No escape from Titan!

    The Peak Cavern keyholders are coming up with a plan to resolve this issue. The dams will be looked at, and work carried out where necessary. The former Stemple Highway Inlet Sump Two route between the bottom of Leviathan to Far Sump Extension will be reopened as well. Please bear with us.
  15. S

    Far country ladder, which entrance did they go in via?

    The Bung Hole Ladder in Speedwell is stainless steel I think. This was specially made i believe but not sure by who. I know at one point, it was removed to be fixed due to constant flow of water over it, well for at least two thirds of the year. I will try to find out who manufactured it.
  16. S

    Peak pontification (split from Rowter Hole Update)

    This was pushed again in 2002 by Robbie Shone and Matt Ryan who got as far as they could but from what I remember it got too tight. It had an howling gale coming out of it still.
  17. S

    Peak pontification (split from Rowter Hole Update)

    This inlet is mentioned in one of the papers in Cave Science Vol 18, No 1. During a dye trace in flood conditions from Blue John Cavern in the 1980's, a positive trace was detected in the Near Canal but the detector at Longcliffe Vein was negative. The only inlets that I have seen is the one...
  18. S

    Descent 294 - a new look

    Thanks. my copy is part of a subscription. I was speaking to a friend yesterday and he hasn't had his yet either.
  19. S

    Descent 294 - a new look

    When did you get your copy?
  20. S

    Descent 294 - a new look

    Has anybody else received there copy of Descent in the post, as I am still waiting for mine?