• DEF - Derbyshire Explorers' Forum (01/02/25)

    Following the great success of the forum in 2023, we're holding it again!

    This will be a day for all cave diggers in Derbyshire to come together. Registration is required this year, so please follow this link to get your tickets:

    Click here for link

Search results

  1. bunny

    Denis Bushell

    Top photo Ian Denis and yourself ?
  2. bunny

    Denis Bushell

  3. bunny

    Denis Bushell

    I went to Crete with Denis and Bob Dalek for a trip into Drakolaki cave I dislocated one of my fingers the day before the trip so ruled me out just so happened the cave was flooded they were in there about 5 minutes.Bob Dalek funny guy I think he caving in flip flops
  4. bunny

    Denis Bushell

    Exactly Denis has for ever young thing about him Unfortunately he had to have a liver transplant 7yrs ago and it started to let him down. He used to joke I'll knock a young person of there bike and drive up to Leeds where they do liver transplants
  5. bunny

    Denis Bushell

    Sounds like Denis Was that the Berger trip when he was doing lots of running as well as caving down the Berger
  6. bunny

    Denis Bushell

    Denis Bushell known to some as dangerous Denis sadly passed away on 23-5-24 peacefully.for those who new Denis will agree he was a live wire full of energy and life a great person at heart he'd go out his way to help or support anyone he knew