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  1. H

    Descent 300

    Mine still hasn't arrived. I wonder if the magazine fell out of the unsealed envelope and the postie chucked away the evidence... 🤨
  2. H

    October 23 Floods

    A bit damp in the Peak District on Friday. This video shows what it was like in Castleton. Worth watching for the commentary as well as the pictures.... Anyone got any links to film at Stoney, for example. I had a look at Carlswark resurgence this afternoon, and it's still welling up...
  3. H

    Hanging flat mine

    Wow, that one is sublime... And yes, definitely Cucklet Delf in the previous picture - though I've just realised that you originally noted that Eyam Dale was off to the right (of the photographer) rather than that the side valley in the picture was Eyam Dale. My mistake, though worth making so...
  4. H

    Hanging flat mine

    Wow, that's an amazing postcard, thanks Mark. Do you think that's actually Cucklet Delf running off to the right? With one of the crags of Stoney West in the background? It's just I can't think of a buttress overlooking Eyam Dale like the one near the top right of the picture... I'm definitely...
  5. H

    Hanging flat mine

    Can someone (Mark?) explain the orientation of that engraving, and which features recognisable today, are shown? And where that house is, etc... Ta :)