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  1. M

    Red River, Nettle - no bad air Sept 2011

    Went down Nettle on Saturday 3 September 2011 as far as Red River (we got to the point where there's a pothole in the floor and a climb round to the left); no evidence of bad air. Rather a nice trip in fact, though a bolt or two on Beza wouldn't go amiss.... Didn't go into Hell, and I think the...
  2. M


    That sounds quite dry! Useful report and good comparison. Sadness - it appears P7 is in fact a road to big fat nowhere. :'(
  3. M


    Dan and I had a look at P7 last night. The entrance shaft has moved a fair bit - there's loose stuff around but the scaff is holding up pretty well. Climbed down the White Room and checked out the sunps. There was flood debris up to around the base of the shuttering in the White Room (may 5-6m...
  4. M

    Winnats Head lower choke

    Last went about 18 months back. The 2nd slot (where the 2nd handline is usually to be found) is significantly smaller than the first and is not a slot (!) - it's more of an all-over squeeze. It's moderately tight (I think it's fairly tight but am at the large end of average!) rather than...
  5. M

    Rigging with Perlon/dynema etc...

    SamT - the answer is to use lengths of cord not loops if I understand your question. The guys in Crete do this sort of thing a lot. They take various lengths of Dyneema and use them to rig off, doing some quite neat tricks such as tying 2 lengths of dyneema to anchors and using the length of...
  6. M

    Lead Vein in Speedwell

    Let's assume mystery Luke was ignorant and not malicious. I wonder if some sort of notice at the Miner's Toast, explaining what the inscription is and the story of some of the later graffiti, would help. If you don't know it, it could just look like a random set of scrawls; actually quite a lot...
  7. M

    Warning - JH boulder piles choke movement

    For the long term, it strikes me that the best solution may be to do something with the water. Specifically, extend the pipe along the caver route and dump the water somewhere where it can run along a solid floor without shifting the choke around. If you leave a stream running through a choke...
  8. M

    Titan info and advice wanted!

    As several have commented, it is very tricky to talk someone through the Titan rebelay if they're having a diasaster, and if you have to wait to be rescued it gets incredibly dull waiting for someone to fetch you..... The trip is excellent; however I agree with Rob - Titan is best appreciated...
  9. M

    Conservation taping in Far Sump Extension

    Seem to recall seeing some on the dry sand floor in Salmon's Cavern?? Or am I making that up?
  10. M

    Dig advice please

    What's causing the squeeze (boulder? flowstone? bedrock? a large Stilton?) Capping works OK (good on boulders, not great in bedrock and really crap in calcite) but it's easy to dent yourself - probably worth finding a friend who's done it a few times before (sounds patronising, but it's been...
  11. M

    Finally Winnat's!

    Al We failed to spot the thread (not really looking, probably!), or the 2nd deviation on the first pitch. Whereabouts (how far down) is the 2nd deviation? To be fair I was mainly following as quick as possible to get out of the wet ASAP, but the rigger had a good look round for further...
  12. M

    Finally Winnat's!

    Finally got down Winnat's Head yesterday to inspect JB's shiny new bolts and the pitches he's glued them to. I'll try to describe the rigging we used to see if JB recognises how we used his bolts (I wasn't rigging so to be honest I just followed the rope!). The chokes and the Sewer were...
  13. M

    Lost Duo bettery box, possibly P8 lay-by

    Been missing a battery box (the insert that takes the cells, rather than the whole thing) for a few weeks; only guess is that it came astray at teh P8 lay-by. If anyone has seen it - preferably before you drove over it - please let me know. Ta
  14. M


    The likelihood of nitrates being involved in moonmilk are very low. Nitrates are incredibly soluble; many are in fact deliquescent (dissolve in the water they absorb from the air); in caves the impact of bacteria/life is likely to be low (no food!) wheras there is a handy source of carbonate...
  15. M

    PDCMG meeting: Draenen access

    No comment on entrances - strong arguments both ways and not down there often enough to comment - but I am certain it isn't worth falling out over. Have a heated discussion but for goodness sake get together for a beer and a laugh afterwards! Conservation - I first went into Draenen within...
  16. M

    Beginners in Sheffield / South Yorkshire

    If you're out in Castleton you could do worse than stick your head around the door of the Chapel. It's the green garage door between the two sharp bends in the village. It's the base for TSG, another Peak caving club.
  17. M

    Stanley Moor Dig

    What's the thing on the floor at 1:30 into the clip - looks like wood?
  18. M

    Calling all Carlswark cavers & leaders

    Oval Industries on Penistone Old Road in Sheffield sold (a few years back) a paint stripper called something like Neutrastrip. It was pretty good (took off varnish without too much fuss) and appears to be waterbased without any fumes. I think I still have a bit around (pm if you want a bit -...
  19. M

    Re-using FX battery F cells for drill pack?

    Potholer What current does your present drill like to eat? I would suspect - though I do not know - that the cells used in an FX5 may struggle to deliver the sort of current a drill needs to work happily? Just a thought.
  20. M

    Winnats Head survey

    Was wondering if anyone knew if there existed (or - better - had a copy of!) a comprehensive, high-grade survey or set of data for this cave. Would be interesting to see how it's various wierdnesses relate to the Peak/Speedwell system - and to see if the digs at the top end really are about to...