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  1. S

    The Adventures of Scoff

    The venue held around thirty people and the talk was aimed mainly at scuba divers who probably knew very little about cave diving in the UK. I was pleasantly surprised to find that there were 6 SUSS, 1 BPC and 3 CDG members (plus a couple of partners) in attendance so I felt like I was playing...
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    Adventures Underground

    Having got my grubby paws on a copy last night, a quick glance showed me this is a real classic book on Dales Caving. It is well written, illustrated with loads of great photos and diagrams, and produced to an exceptionally high quality. The authors John Cordingley and Dave Haigh are to be...
  3. S

    Valley entrance

    I know this has been discussed before, but this rope is one that is usually there (whether or not it could be regarded as a 'fixed aid'). Even if one was to check it was there immediately before descending Swinsto, Simpson's, Rowten - it could still be removed by the time you arrived in the...
  4. S

    Underwater Drone- It's obvious really...

    Yep, Something similar was used during the exploration of the Doux de Coly in France in 1998 - but only as a 'support' tool to watch Olivier Isler and his support divers during Olivier's long decompression in the shaft some 400m from the entrance. The main problem with an ROV in underwater...
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    Giggel Rav Pot

    Sambo As one of those involved in opening Giggel Rav, I  would suggest that it is hardly worth a visit (unless you are a collector of obscure trips), It constitutes merely a very  low and wet section of immature stream passage which is the continuation of the upstream section of Brackenbottom...
  6. S

    how deep does fresh water go?

    And then there's the obvious one - Fontaine de Vaucluse. I seem to recall reading that a remote video device recorded an elbow to the sump at 330m depth. This is 'the' classic resurgence bringing water from the plateau around the Aven Jean Nouveau I believe. The water flows from the resurgence...
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    Beyond the Sumps of Stoke Lane Slocker

    The Dr Pepper is probably left over from a party, where Ash clearly had lots of helium-filled balloons... Scoff
  8. S

    Yordas Middle Entrance

    Operation Jammer Retrieval was a success yesterday. I also brought out the tackle bag mentioned above. If someone lets me know appropriate details/ description on here, I will ensure its safe return. Scoff BPC/ CDG
  9. S

    Yordas Middle Entrance

    Yesterday noticed a yellow personal roomy tackle bag in the bedding below entrance rope. Left it there on way out in case someone planned an early return to collect - before I could get a note on here. So, one item 'found' - er, sort of. Also I dropped a jammer in the deep pool at the foot of...
  10. S

    Flood pulse in Ease Gill or Kingsdale?

    Ayup, Pitlamp, Some of these (Terminal Lake) probably appear in Sid's videos - though some may not be where they purport to be (e.g. Deep Well???). A screen grab could provide what you are after. I have slides somewhere with Andy France stood at the top of the cascade, and possibly the Geoffs...
  11. S

    Gaping Gill winch meet

    Fellow cavers, Please also see the thread from last year as this helps prevent any misunderstandings. http://ukcaving.com/board/index.php?topic=15194.msg197902#msg197902 The BPC do rig things, some of which we expect other cavers to use - but if you choose to do so, it is at your own risk...
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    Gaping Gill Winch Meet rigged entrances

    And I would suggest reading the note on the BPC website - re: use of the rigging. Whilst calling at the winch will get you some information as to what is actually rigged, anyone choosing to use the BPC gear should check carefully themselves whether it is safe to use. Somebody/ conditions may...
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    A question for more senior ULSA members

    Sorry - a bit off topic.... Cobz - it wasn't you that was taking to Jim Abbott at 'Farmer' Stoyles funeral, and asking about details of a certain Irish cave dive you did? If so, send me an e-mail via the contacts page of the CDG website, and I will supply the information you wanted. Back on...
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    Stream Chamber between Stream Passage and Stalagmite Corner in Gaping Gill?? Scoff
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    Pegleg Pot - can anyone advise?

    The trouble with comparing it to scuba diving (i.e. in the sea) is that the hazards faced are very different. I have rarely dived in the sea and find it a very alien world. In particular the water movement (swell/ currents/ tides) is much more an influence on the diver, getting in and out of...
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    Gaping Gill, under main chamber

    Alex Every year when the winch meets take place, this hole seems to change in its appearance. I poked my nose in it briefly a few years ago, and quite frankly found it scary! Evrything you touched seemed to move. I also suspect it will contain large amounts of flood debris down below - if the...
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    Explore caves from Google Earth?

    Footleg Nice one, I love panoramas. Dunno if this one has been posted before - the pix were hurriedly taken by Martin Smith (aka Billy Whizz) at the very end of the BPC Winch Meet, as we were waiting to start dismantling it all - but have a look at GG from the comfort of your armchair...
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    Potholing on the telly last night

    Dunno if anybody else saw BBC4 last night with some bits of vintage caving film in it? If not the whole program can be found on BBC iPlayer: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00tnvnq/The_Yorkshire_Dales_on_Film/ There is a section on fell running & potholing starting at around 15 minutes...
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    GG entrances

    And (back with GG Entrances) for what it's worth the Bradford did some work correlating surface features to underground radio location points down the back end of GG/ Clapham Bottoms back in the late '90's. As a result of this, and taking Dick Glover's levelling/ survey work from Clapham Beck...
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    Avalanche Pot GG - rope

    Bob Re: Going after BPC Publications... I did this before replying. Unfortunately there is nothing in the BPC Bulletins of the time (though I had an enjoyable time reading some of the other articles from the era concerned). I will speak to Smiley, Wellock & some of the others on their return...