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  1. T

    ?50 on offer for suitable cave photograph

    Hello everyone, If you have read my posting - https://ukcaving.com/board/index.php?topic=25643 - then you will know that caving is central to the plot of my novel and that I had hoped to have, on this site, a banner ad for my novel. For the ad, I need a suitable photograph, but due to not...
  2. T

    Underground graffiti removal - the restoration of the Land of Dope and Story

    I second that.  No problem droid, I've had much worse on other boards. :)
  3. T

    Underground graffiti removal - the restoration of the Land of Dope and Story

    As someone whose style is far too vebose and rambling, I always admire succinct writing.  You seem to be a master of the art. Succinct - adjective (especially of something written or spoken) briefly and clearly expressed. 'use short, succinct sentences' synonyms: concise, short, brief...
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    Underground graffiti removal - the restoration of the Land of Dope and Story

    I decided to post on the UK Caving web site. "I would like to thank everyone who has bought a copy of my novel, "The Perdix Project", and say a special thank you for the comments regarding graffiti in cave systems \ painting way-markers on cave walls, and my idea, see below. As someone who...
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    In the caves under Dovelow - Green Means Danger

    Quick access to a longer synopsis and the free chapter - The Perdix Project https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07SJNP9S4 Regards, Teddy
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    In the caves under Dovelow - Green Means Danger

    Hello everyone, On this site, you will soon be seeing a banner ad for my novel that culminates with action scenes in Peak District Caves (rocks and geology are central to the plot), but since that banner ad will have only a short tag line, may I take this opportunity to tell you a bit more...