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  1. J

    Stumbled across this little gem.

    Love it.
  2. J

    LOST: Pixa 3 Alum Pot walk in

    Yes we encountered the walking group, I imagine the light was intercepted by them as there was absolutely no sign of it when we walked back up to look soon after. Never mind. There are many worse caving mishaps to be had. Thanks for your reply. Jude
  3. J

    LOST: Pixa 3 Alum Pot walk in

    Today we lost one of our Petzl Pixa 3s somewhere between Wilson's Cave Exit and the bottom of the lane. The light might still have a feint 'C.A' marker penned on the top. If anyone finds it please drop me a message. Thanks Jude
  4. J

    Christmas photograph competition

    Don't know how on earth I posted that but somehow I did  :)
  5. J

    Flood pulse in Ease Gill or Kingsdale?

    I have a video of the Kingsdale bore you'd be welcome to have a copy of :o)
  6. J


    Bet it's a bit damp for the Craven...
  7. J

    1963 - 1967 Berger Expeditions. Photo ID.

    Hi, Think I might know someone who can help. Could you PM me an email address & I'll put you in touch. Jude
  8. J

    Mounting GoPro for Caving

    I've got one & can second what Jessop Smythe says re helmet mounting & mist. A bit of practise with lighting & they are absolutely brilliant. I know v little about photography & have taken some pretty reasonable snaps.
  9. J

    Best Yorkshire Caving Photograph to date?

    That is a super photo! :thumbsup:
  10. J

    Bull Pot Farm/Casterton Fell

    Has anyone been up there yesterday or today? Would be interested to know if there's any snow on the road and if you knew whether the farm still has power or not? Thanks Jude
  11. J

    Alum Pot - 16th Feb

    I'll have an ask around up here and see who may be able to help
  12. J

    Found at the bottom of Clapham Nature Trail

    Item of gear, describe it and I'll arrange its return to you. Jude
  13. J

    Ingleborough Cave Christmas Grotto

    Not sure if this photo will work (I'm rubbish at technology) But...to all that know Johnny Dingle - Happy Christmas from me xx
  14. J

    Hello Everybody

    Its a brave step having the courage to post on here again. I wish you all the best as you travel the road to recovery. I think caving with good friends sounds like a positive way to support yourself and be supported by others.
  15. J

    Ingleborough Cave Christmas Grotto

    That ugly little elf looks better in tights than most women do!  Phwoar!
  16. J

    Ingleborough Cave Christmas Grotto

    Have you ever been? Bah Humbug!  :tease:
  17. J

    Ingleborough Cave Christmas Grotto

    For anyone who had kids & is going to be in the North over the next 3 weekends: As many of you will be aware, Ingleborough Cave runs a stunning Christmas grotto for the 3 weekends leading up to Christmas. Its a fantastic adventure for kids, can't recommend it enough...
  18. J

    Ingleton pub

    Sounds good, we'll give it a try. The pub situation round here is a bit dire at the moment!
  19. J

    Petzl Underground Session Kendal Mountain Festival

    It was an excellent session. Well done to Matt Burke and team for organising such a great and varied evening. Hopefully more to come next year??
  20. J

    17 Amateur Photographers Overdue in Rhosydd Quarry

    Glad they're all safe. I was once sold a 1.5hr through trip in Spain as a hangover cure. 7hrs of holding flash guns and forcing smiles later.....