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  1. bubba

    Help for friend in China

    A decent VPN should work, but not all are suitable. I recommend Trust.zone. They have a page on the matter here: https://trust.zone/post/how_to_access_facebook_and_gmail_in_china You can sign up to Trust.zone using Bitcoin which adds a layer of anonymity. Using a VPN in China isn't illegal...
  2. bubba

    Board changes - Obits

    "Coffin Level"  ;D
  3. bubba

    Secure photo viewing on the web

    Agree - I would have thought Flickr private groups would be the easiest no-cost option.
  4. bubba

    Edited posts - bug?

    I've really got no idea - the "last edited" post should only appear within 8mins 20secs...but of what exactly? It's not clear whether that limit is from the original posting time or the last edited time. I'm sure somebody can test it - I can't be bothered as it really seems to be a non-issue.
  5. bubba

    Edited posts - bug?

    Sorry only just seen this; I hope this clarifies: You are able to edit your posts for up to 30 minutes after they've been posted. In addition to the 30 minute setting there is another setting called "Courtesy edit wait time" which is described as: "Number of seconds allowed for a post to be...
  6. bubba

    Change of ownership for ukCaving

    Some of you may remember when we introduced a karma system here. It wasn't for posts but for users - if somebody made a good post, you'd give them positive karma, if they acted like a dick you'd give them negative karma.  It has worked really well on ukbouldering.com but here it soon...
  7. bubba

    Change of ownership for ukCaving

    Good to see ownership being passed back to some active cavers, good luck to you both Tim & Jane  :thumbsup:  :beer2:
  8. bubba

    Where has ukcaving been today

    There were database problems yesterday...all fixed now :)
  9. bubba

    What is This Forum For ?

    TBH that looks pretty terrible - I'm not saying post massive pictures everywhere but I don't belive people should have to post shite quality images just to keep mobile users on limited data contracts happy.  I'm not exactly sure which mobile browsers support such functionality,  but this sort...
  10. bubba

    What's happened?

    I've noticed that the once extremely busy wiki is now only rarely updated. It's been like this for some time but I thought it might just be down to people being away/busy/etc. Seems a shame and I was just wondering why this happened... Better alternatives elsewhere? Something we...
  11. bubba

    What is This Forum For ?

    More photos the better imo. Fair point about perhaps marking the title [pic heavy] or similar for those on phones if you know in advance it's going to be a picture topic. It can be a little annoying to have to scroll past massive photos but it's easy to restrict the size of images like this...
  12. bubba

    Moorhouse is back!

    Yep. Search engine referrals and links from the Facebook page. The women that this tosser cons/tries to con aren't cavers, they just end up here after googling him.  Long may this continue, the man is a danger to women and should continue to be exposed. I appreciate that this isn't really...
  13. bubba

    Username changes

    Griffin --> The Ferret ...and back to Griffin (note added by Pegasus 29/9/15)
  14. bubba

    Solo - award winning film from 1997

    Really enjoyed that  :thumbsup:
  15. bubba

    Hello Everybody

    As far as I can see nobody is breaking any rules.  If Ditzy wants the topic pulled then we can do so, but otherwise it should stay - people are allowed to state their opinion on here as long as there's no threats or direct abuse. Exactly.
  16. bubba

    Governmental review of access to land in Wales

    We've had a number of complaints regarding users' conduct within this topic which is why it has been locked. Please play nice and be civil on this site. This is a discussion forum. Disagreement is inevitable and tempers can run hot, but please try to conduct yourself in a respectful manner...
  17. bubba

    Sicko adverts on Google

    Adblock is great...but if everyone used it then the web would change significantly...and probably not for the better.  So if you're an Adblock user then that's great (I am too!) but I wouldn't publicize it too much and certainly not crow about it ;) It's worth remembering that the servers that...
  18. bubba

    Virus attack

    Very true Kay :) I recommend using Sandboxie for this sort of thing if it happens again...you can then proceed to ignore all the virus/malware warnings safe in the knowledge that your computer can't be compromised.
  19. bubba

    Virus attack

    Yep, I've already contacted them to request we're removed from their blacklist, but I suspect it relies on Toby contacting Google first and he's away from his computer at the moment.
  20. bubba

    Virus attack

    The problem has been fixed, however this takes time to be recognised by the bodies that flag sites as bad so it'll still come up with the warning until we've been whitelisted again. No idea how long this takes but for now the site is safe to use.