• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition

Search results

  1. mrodoc

    The use of AI art

    She c;an have some mine!
  2. mrodoc

    Hensler's Series in Gaping Gill

    A propos of nothing much, last summer I met Hensler's grandson who is a wood carver in Devon
  3. mrodoc

    The use of AI art

    So 3 minutes later here it is. I wanted Bill Tidy style but I got this:
  4. mrodoc

    The use of AI art

    All this so called AI art has human origins. The algorithms are clever but they are really just shuffling the deck. What they do offer is incredible speed when performing one particular task. I think these images are advance on the stock photos you find line but can be finely tailored to be...
  5. mrodoc

    Caving and Chronic pain

    Strangely I took a visitor from Canada into Withyhill Cave yesterday. I have developed a chronic pain in my upper back and thought some caving would help it. Certainly during the trip the pain remained low key and I was able to navigate fine through the cave but it was as bad as ever when I was...
  6. mrodoc

    Caving with a joint replacement

    I know of several cavers with joint replacements both hips and knees who get on fine.
  7. mrodoc

    Reading Glasses, any good options?

    As I go diving this is an issue too. I am very shortsighted and worn specs since childhood. Having an astigmatism doesn't help either and it was only relatively recently they made contact lenses that worked by which time my focusing distance had shrunk making it impossible to see macro life...
  8. mrodoc

    Sludge Pit Hole access at risk

    You could jump down of course. Then the MCR could organize a real rescue. They'd get you out in a jiffy - they had a practice there last week!
  9. mrodoc

    1968 Chew valley floods, SW. Documentary on Ch 5 NOW , 18-1-25 @6pm

    It is not very exciting.
  10. mrodoc

    Caving and Chronic pain

    We are working in one of them currently but it is small and obscure but still offers prospects.
  11. mrodoc

    Caving and Chronic pain

    Interesting story. You must be doing well as I cannot get into Green Lake Grotto nowadays as my chest won't compress like it used to. Some of the other caves in the quarry are less challenging so well worth considering.
  12. mrodoc

    Another cave on t'telly

    Not a true cave.
  13. mrodoc

    Ode To Peter Glanvill

    Well the OR's comments came after I asked ChatGPT as I have before to perform a simple editing task to convert present to past tense in an article for the Belfry Bulletin. It has done it before perfectly. This time I gave it quite to chew on but it came up with the goods until I started trying...
  14. mrodoc

    Non caver impressions...

    American humour when it is good is very good.
  15. mrodoc

    Generational Caving

    i met a chap last summer from Ashburton whose grandfather was Eric Hensler. However he hadn't followed in his footsteps.
  16. mrodoc

    Generational Caving

    I think the word cavers was in my first statement!
  17. mrodoc

    Generational Caving

    I don't think we managed all four generations underground at the same time as I had no grandchildren when my father was alive so perhaps somebody else can up with them all there at the same time. We had on trip with grand dad, grand ma and all four grandchildren but that was a short foray. I...
  18. mrodoc

    Snow update

    A lot of rain here in Chard with a flood warning.
  19. mrodoc

    Generational Caving

    Occurred to me the other day that 4 generations of my family have been to the lake in Pridhamsleigh Cavern and 3 from those generations have dived in it. Any other 4th generation cavers out there before I write to the Guiness Book of Records!
  20. mrodoc

    What's your first trip of 2025?

    A trip into Shatter Cave with my daughter and granddaughter teaching her about cryogenic damage (and how to avoid spiders). Scarlett is the 4th generation of my family to visit the cave (and is was only opened up in 1972). There were photos of course.