• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition

Search results

  1. Robert Scott

    A Gragareth 'mystery'

    Yes there is but I seem to recollect that it might be only one person, Alexander Morphet, not far from the Ribble Way.
  2. Robert Scott

    Very silly pics

    Not sure that you would see the likes of this in the Metro
  3. Robert Scott

    Friday joke - WARNING - contains swearing.

    Absolutely brillant.
  4. Robert Scott

    How big is the average UK caving club?

    A mean of 48, so does that mean that the club I'm in should have 5+ votes at CNCC meetings?
  5. Robert Scott

    AI Wezzit

    Brexit voters?
  6. Robert Scott

    Very silly pics

    It had to be said "Clearly not a BEC member".
  7. Robert Scott

    Very silly pics

  8. Robert Scott

    Modern day packaging.

    Next time that you bump into me, ask me about Alex's Easter Eggs.
  9. Robert Scott

    Tickets for Northern Explorers forum 2023 go on sale on 10th March

    Many thanks to Sam for organising this event. And not forgetting Matt and Gary together with other York CC folk who sorted stuff out. And of course, the presenters. Thank you all.
  10. Robert Scott

    Friday joke - WARNING - contains swearing.

    I've never considered making a bolognese sauce using turnips. I expect a turnip-based bolognese sauce is already available in the taxpayer subsidised restaurants in the Houses of Parliament. Must write to my MP for the recipe.
  11. Robert Scott

    Mobile phone coverage. Interesting but probably of no real use.

    I'm surprised that no Yorkshire (and GSG) cavers have not yet pointed out that they get "Welcome to France" whenever they get anywhere south of Coventry.
  12. Robert Scott


    "Not one of mine then?"
  13. Robert Scott

    Friday joke - WARNING - contains swearing.

    Not to mention North East Somerset.
  14. Robert Scott

    Water at Aysgarth Falls

    Assuming that there was water further upstream of the falls then where did it reappear? Perhaps Russ B might know.
  15. Robert Scott

    Very silly pics

    Is that a BMW by any chance?
  16. Robert Scott

    Very silly pics

    Singer Gazelle Owner's Handbook 1963
  17. Robert Scott

    Documenting the 3 counties traverse

    Prologue and the Sequel appears in the current CPC record https://www.cravenpotholeclub.org/index.php/cpc-record/summary/7-cpc-record/51-record-133
  18. Robert Scott

    Found - CPC rope bag - Small Mammal

    Thank you, caving_fox. It seems it was due to a misunderstanding between the rigger and derigger at the CPC GG "not a winch" meet. I'm sure it will be collected from the YSS this coming weekend. Thank you again.