Lost - Red Meander Bag in Robinson's Pot


New member
On unpacking after a recent YSS trip into Robinson's Pot (Saturday 21st May 2017) we were missing one small red Meander bag. It contained one yellow dive hand lamp, a Petzl knife, a yellow waterproof plastic box, a black sling and krab and an emergency foil bag.

Anyone finding it can leave a message here or contact me through the YSS. Thanks Mike


Well-known member
I guess it will be a month before anyone else is down there due to it being 1 permit a month I think?


New member
Many thanks to members of York University Cave and Pothole Club who had the permit for Saturday 3rd June and found and returned the missing bag to me at the YSS Hut. Conveniently that is where they were staying for the weekend.

:clap: :clap: :clap: