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Search results

  1. Slug

    Homo Naledi in Rising Star Caves S.A..

    Very interesting article on the most recent discoveries from the Rising Star Caves of South Africa. Her previous video also touched on some cave related aspects of Neanderthal society.
  2. Slug

    Mexico Railway Halted

    https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-latin-america-61139129 Interesting little article tucked away on the BBC News website.
  3. Slug

    Ron "Kangy" King.

    Have  been informed that Ron "Kangy" King, long time BEC member left us this morning. Kangy was the sort of person who truly embodied the BEC motto "If something is worth doing, it's worth doing to excess" I will post more information when I get it.
  4. Slug

    Bunkers and Pill Boxes

    More "Urbex" than Caving, but of general interest, as some of you out there do like this sort of thing. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21243179
  5. Slug

    A frustrated Caver Perhaps ?

    I just found this funny.....and let's face it, we probably all know someone like this..... http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-18898642
  6. Slug

    Peeing Underground

    Now not being blessed with the largest of trouser snakes (around 1.5") when flaccid I tend to find during a chilly trip I tend to loose said member altogether and trying to urinate is virtually impossible. Are there any tips on how I can keep percy visible, i.e be able to get a grip on him so...
  7. Slug

    Nationl Geographic Channel, tonight. ( Sun. 28-06-09)

    Just noticed that at 9p.m. tonight on Nat. Geo T.V. channel is a one hour documentary on  Mexico's Cueva de los Crystales.. Should prove an interesting way to liven up a boring Sunday Evening.
  8. Slug

    Channel 4 news, Stall. used in climate research

    Just seen this on channel 4 news, a report on the work of Durham University climatologists who are using stall from a Polish cave to determine past weather patterns, and, hopefully future ones too...
  9. Slug

    Shedding light on the Catacombs of Rome

    Just seen this report on the BBC, http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/8027650.stm It looks quite interesting, not only from a historical point, but also for the use of  the technology to actually create the images seen here. Virtual caving is one step closer. 
  10. Slug

    Have we been Hacked Bubba ?.

    Judging by the shit now appearing on the forum,( porn Blog, Chinese Chemists) as opposed to the normal "Lively discussion", have we been the target of Hackers, ?.
  11. Slug

    Is this the same Mrs. Trellis ?

      Whilst searching for info. for a friends brat I came across this site  http://www.brookview.karoo.net/Stick_Insects/index.html Look at " And Finally", the name and location are the same.  Could they be one and the same person ? :-\
  12. Slug

    A National Caving Museum ? .

    I was over at John Buxtons yesterday to pick up some C.D.G. stuff. Whilst there He showed Me some old caving books that He had, and pointed out that the odd looking gear worn by Him in one photo. was some of the first cave diving kit ever made, and that it was gathering dust in His shed. I...
  13. Slug

    In case of Christmas induced boredom.

    The History Channel is showing back to back episodes of " Cities of the Underworld " all day. Not too much natural caves, but still a fascinating insight to what's beneath our feet, in cities all over the world.
  14. Slug

    A good reason NOT to visit Cyprus

    I came across this article today,,,,,from the Island that gave the world Pickles Sparrows  :yucky: ( caught with highly illegal Lime Stick and nets)   http://www.cyprusweekly.com.cy/default.aspx?FrontPageNewsID=304_3 :thumbsdown:
  15. Slug

    Whats the worst injury You've suffered through Caving ?

    At work last week I had the usual task of trying to change someones pre-conceived belief that caving was such a deadly pastime... killing Hundreds ,worldwide, every week. My argument was, that in nearly 20 years of caving I had only ever sustained 1 (not very) serious injury. A falling rock...
  16. Slug

    Cave Diving in Yucatan on T.V.

    Just seen a report on News 24, stating that a major break through has been announced in Mexico, but I only caught the tail end of the report. The footage shown looked rather impressive, anyone out there know any more ?.
  17. Slug

    The true face of the President

    Found this site, thought it quite amusing. Its scary to think what this twat does for a job though. http://www.peacecandy.com/gwbush/dishonestdububya/