• BCA Finances

    An informative discussion

    Recently there was long thread about the BCA. I can now post possible answers to some of the questions, such as "Why is the BCA still raising membership prices when there is a significant amount still left in its coffers?"

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Hillhouse Caves, Linlithgow


Does anyone know anything about the caves at Hillhouse just north of Beecraigs Country Park, Linlithgow? Large entrance(s) into a 45deg bedding plane (shales?) in a deep gulley at NT005749.  Single passage continues north. May have been mined.




McAdam, A D, and Clarkson, E N K, 1986 Lothian Geology / an excursion guide.  Edinburgh Geological Society.  208 The limestones of the Bathgate Hills have been extensively worked in the past for agricultural use both by quarrying and mining.  216 Hillhouse Quarry and Mine.  Park at Beecraig Visitors? Centre (006 746).  The strata dip west at 30-40? and consequently the stoop and room workings north of the road, which are still open, slope very steeply underground.  There have been roof collapses in recent years, some of which have caused subsidence in the overlying road.[/i]

Thanks Langcliffe, this is the cave/mine in question. Would be grateful if anyone else has additional info or has also visited recently (I was there yest)?



I've been in Hillhouse several times, as have many others judging by the remains of bonfires and many empty cans. The SCRO used it for a rescue exercise in 2002 and it is one of the sites we searched when there was a missing person in the area four years ago - my last visit there. A comparatively small and uncomplicated limestone mine.