Peak District - Wezzit?


Well-known member
Fed up of those Northeners stealing the show with all their photos from their limitless collection of obsure holes, so here's a thread dedicated to our fair few...

To start it off, a relatively easy one...
Think my last 'Wezzit' pic post deserves a  :spank: and a  :chair: oooops  :-[ i'll try and steal it back for the peak!
Rob said:
Fed up of those Northeners stealing the show with all their photos from their limitless collection of obsure holes, so here's a thread dedicated to our fair few...

I have tried twice to move on from from the Dales......

Fed up of those Northeners stealing the show with all their photos from their limitless collection of obsure holes, so here's a thread dedicated to our fair few...

Hooray . . . keep Wezzit pure and unsullied ? oop North.  :clap2:  :clap2:
Young Master Robert,
You may recall that me giving you and your chums permission to explore that new cave in Top Swallet Plantation was on the express understanding that it remained secret until such time that you had managed to source a suitable gate to secure said labyrynth. (I believe this gate was to be sourced from somewhere in South Wales?).

Anyhow, after being promised as to your continuing ccommitment to the ongoing secretive nature of the cave, you will understand my suprise at seeing you have posted a picture of the formation known as 'Mi-Lady's secret curtains' from the breakthrough series after the third pitch.

I have now other alternative but to seek a superinjunction against you and your resulting photography based antics. Say goodbye that Descent cover set you so dearly had your sites on.

You will be hearing from my people in the morning.


SeeJay said:
Owl Hole?
Bang on Seejay. Your turn.

As for you Lord Whatwotleigh, superinjunction or not, if you want something gating you'll need to go speak to that G.U.G. character, i ain't doing any of that dirty business....
Woohoo! Finally I got one, it was the black dots that gave it away, lots of them in Crystal Pallos chamber.

Anyway, my photo:
