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BBC 1960's Balch Cave Film.

The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
Some time in the early 1960's the BBC made a documentary style black and white film of Balch Cave before it's partial destruction. I seem to remember Jack Hill of the Cerberus having a copy. Funny story relating to that. Pete Rose and I went to see Jack Hill to borrow the film and were met at the door by his wife. It was a Wednesday evening. " Oh Jack always goes caving with Pete Rose and Nick Chipchase on Wednesdays " we were told. We fled empty handed as naughty Jack was up to other things. After a while I lost track of that copy and would love to see it again. Maybe it has ended up on U Tube though I guess it is still BBC copyright. MCRA would like a copy to add to their film archive. Can anyone help ?