Slough Caverns



I was mooching around the internet and came across this site - does anyone know anything about them and if so, who controls access? Who would I need to aggravate to go see?


New member
Scientists are hoping to locate a suitable access point near to junction 15 of the M25 in order to open the cavern system up as a theme park

Hmm  :-\

The cavern system is still not fully charted but mapping to date shows at least 120 miles of cavern system stretching across an area of 5 square miles beneath Slough, Berkshire.

That sounds very big! how big is this compared to other systems in the UK?

Francis :D

Peter Burgess

New member
Someone may have a grudge against Tesco stores, perhaps?

More to the point, can anyone identify the cave photos? The ultimate "Guess where" thread!



Bugger. Thought it looked to good to be true... the devil is in the detail.  :read:


Active member
I sent this to my caving friends [all two of them] and they were not fooled.  I asked them “How did you know it was a hoax?”

They said the cave was the longest cave of Europe.
We would have heard this, rumours amongst cavers...

Then there other impossible things, like
- 800m deep bats without natural entrance

- Tony Blair meets the discoverer, but no mention on BBC

- - cave exploring robots do not exist so far

- - the poor spelling

- - Hydroplate theory proved (this is Creationism)

- - Delta quadrant is where Starship Voyager was lost ;-)

I try to find out where they got the pictures in the gallery from

The picture in the heading is Gruta do Lago Azul in Brazil

Had no luck with the others so far.

:: The Slough Observer Website >> ::  were not taken in:


Peter Burgess

New member
Am I the only one who is mildly irritated by this sort of spoof? Perhaps it's because I have spent decades unearthing facts about ancient mine workings and the like, and trying to debunk persistent nonsense about secret tunnels and huge caverns that are geological impossibilities.

It's the power of the internet - great for spreading facts and information, but equally powerful at spreading nonsense.


Peter Burgess said:
Am I the only one who is mildly irritated by this sort of spoof? Perhaps it's because I have spent decades unearthing facts about ancient mine workings and the like, and trying to debunk persistent nonsense about secret tunnels and huge caverns that are geological impossibilities.

It's the power of the internet - great for spreading facts and information, but equally powerful at spreading nonsense.

Suspect the authors might be rather disappointed that you were only "mildly irritated" rather than genuinely pissed off. As spoofs go this one seems a bit lame. But then it's in Slough what do  you expect.


Peter Burgess said:
Am I the only one who is mildly irritated by this sort of spoof? Perhaps it's because I have spent decades unearthing facts about ancient mine workings and the like, and trying to debunk persistent nonsense about secret tunnels and huge caverns that are geological impossibilities.

It's the power of the internet - great for spreading facts and information, but equally powerful at spreading nonsense.

I thought it was very good. Not personally my cup of tea given the time I have devoted to serious caving/mining information web archives but light-hearted fun for all that.

That it is a spoof is obvious within the first few sentences of psuedo-science, even the most poorly educated person with an interest in caves/geology should smell a rat pretty quickly.

See also:


possibly, but they are still safe as they'll never find the entrance!

And you would be hard put to not laugh at those who should know better trying to locate it - I bet they laugh themselves silly at any 'earnest' enquiries!


This is quite similar to the Treacle Mining story aroung Crowborough Caves, see:

This is a long-standing spoof put together by the local sixth form and handed down from year to year.

John :)