• New to caving event this Saturday (8th June)

    These events are part of CNCC's initiative to provide opportunity for those who have often wondered whether caving could be the hobby for them, to give it a go as part of a relaxed, friendly, informative, educational and inspiring day run by local cavers or instructors.

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Sands Quarry, Corsham - proposed redevelopment + adjacent sites



An interesting website that is requesting feedback by August 31st.  It would not appear that they are not currently talking to cavers/underground explorers!  It looks like a substantial development with no mention of the underground quarries.  Can the CSCC make an official return please?


I could not get the Sands Quarry link to open.




Should have read...It would not appear that they are currently talking to cavers/underground explorers!


cap n chris

Well-known member

On what grounds do/should CSCC make representations?

It would help to know the folllowing:

What is the present/historic access situation here? (i.e. open access, restricted access, "trespass", permission required etc.)
What is the proposed access situation to be? (i.e. none, gated, limited, permission, filling in/denial etc.)
There are already NGOs/quangos with legal powers to protect any present wildlife in residence (i.e. bats): far more powerful than CSCC!
Is there any archaeology/history to the site which is of use as a negotiating angle?
Is the proposal of future use of the site for a base for outdoor pursuits linked with the underground features of the site? - if so, is proposed access to be managed by them?
Who are the present owners?
Does a survey of the quarry exist? - how extensive are they? What state is the quarry in?
Since the quarrys do not feature in Mendip Underground is it a safe presumption that they arguably fall outside the remit of the caving community? (arguably, from the point of view of the owners/developers, that is).
etc. etc.


Well-known member
Some photos of it in this trip report. I would have thought it was of more interest to mine (quarry) explorers than cavers but there is a lot of overlap. There is a significant amount of historical and archaeological interest at this site, as well some interesting geology. Speleotherms are developing well, and regardless of amount of use it is a significant underground site worthy of ongoing access.
There are bats in residence, and various surveys are in existence, most reccently by Darkplaces / Root and others. Current access is "tolersted trespass" but has been severly controlled in the past as this was an emergency egress from the underground military sites in this area...


Well-known member
Sent a mail to the address in the link:

Hi There,

Could you confirm to me if the access is to be maintained to the underground Sands Quarry  workings as these are a bat roost, and have significant historical, archaeological and geological interest. These form a significant part of the underground heritage and I feel access should be retained to theses features. If access were to be lost I would have to protest and complain most strongly.

Thank you

and very shortly later got this reply...

We will be formally acknowledging and responding to any comments received in relation to the public consultation document following the cut-off date at the end of the month, however I can advise that no alterations are intended to be made to the underground tunnel network other than to improve the security of any access to ensure the safety of the general public. None of these measures would compromise the bats flight paths etc.
We are undertaking full ecological surveys at present including specific bat studies, which will continue for some time, to ensure any proposed development of the site does not have a negative effect on this issue.

So it looks like the flying mice will be OK, but not so sure if people will have such free and easy access...


Active member
Brains said:
I can advise that no alterations are intended to be made to the underground tunnel network other than to improve the security of any access to ensure the safety of the general public.

Not uncommon .....
There may be potential for an access agreements  (similar to Box)  in the future I guess....
Good bit of prompt work  Detective Inspector Brains...  (y)

ditzy 24//7

Active member
Darkplaces  is also involved and assisting the developer with information. IF and I say IF a gate has to be installed I'll be recommending box bolts otherwise the CSCC route.

best to join forces, not piss the developers off and get what we all want. The incline is fenced off anyway (yeah a hole is in it but...)


This has been posted on c**tplaces website and he has asked me to copy it here for information.

Les W

Active member
FYI the CSCC C&A Officer is also "in the loop" and in conversation with various parties with a view to a CSCC submission.


cap 'n chris said:

Since the quarrys do not feature in Mendip Underground is it a safe presumption that they arguably fall outside the remit of the caving community? (arguably, from the point of view of the owners/developers, that is).


This was an underground quarry for Bathstone just like Box, Brown's and Swan for starters, albeit on a smaller scale but all in Mendip Underground (but surely a site doesn't need to be in MU or popular to be of interest?)
The other questions have been answered by others so hopefully you can see why CSCC is now involved.  Thanks Les.
