Batteries (for duo)


Active member
Hi all,
I've been out of action caving wise for the last few years and my duo batteries could do with replacing. I've used rechargeable Eneloops which have lasted for years. Just checking if there is anything better on the market or if I should just replace with the same ones again. Thanks :)

Ian Ball

Well-known member
Ikea Ladda are my go to.

2450mAh versions or the 1900 versions too.

Fujitsu black are ion a par spec wise with the ladda and eneloop. I've not had any though. Then there is the Energiser and Duracell equivalents.


Well-known member
I’m on the 1900 eneloops and swear by them. They say they do more recharges than the higher mah batteries.

My problem before these batteries was I used a battery charger that charges in 2’s such as:

Now this “did me reet” for a couple of years, but as the batteries are always paired with another battery for charging they only charge to the least depleted battery. Ie imaging having 4 batteries at 25%/25%/25%/50%

Forgive me if the science isn’t spot on, but this is the feeling I had after a few years of using the charger. Charging one of the 25’s with the 50 will get 100% and 75%. If we repeat the process of using the batteries then we get 3 batteries with 25 and one with 0.

On recharge we get 100% and 75% however I think the point is probably more subtle than that, as I’m sure the simple charger can never be as precise as getting the batteries to 100. But getting to the point, you will always have a battery or two which is letting the side down.

I now use a charger which charges the AA’s separately, sorry for labouring the point if you already use a charger such as this, but after having my first rechargeable which would last maybe a year, to the rechargeables that I use now which have lasted about 6-7, I now swear blind by the charger. There are others on the market!

There are other intelligent chargers on Amazon, but I have no idea of their quality and cannot vouch for something I haven’t tried.

Ian Ball

Well-known member
There are also many fake chargers so to speak.

Have a look at sites like for reviews.

I agree that with individual cell chargers available, why would you go for a dual cell setup unless you are confident you only use your cells as a set. Which with 4 no. IKea ladda it isn't inconceivable at the price.


Well-known member
Agree - Eneloop is a good brand.

I've also had considerable success with Amazon's own branded AAs.


Active member
Eneloop Pro are really good. They're not cheap but I don't read that as a priority in your question

We use the Technoline charger which allows you to test and measure individual batteries (search for previous threads for more)

The recommended charging rate for these batteries is surprisingly high (think 1 to 2 hours)

Which? magazine rates eneloops best, Ikea Ladda 2nd best


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