• BCA Finances

    An informative discussion

    Recently there was long thread about the BCA. I can now post possible answers to some of the questions, such as "Why is the BCA still raising membership prices when there is a significant amount still left in its coffers?"

    Click here for more

CHECC Update: A look forward to the new academic year!!


Hello cavers!!!

Hope are all doing well and that you've all had a fun at your respective freshers weeks! Great to see some clubs have already started taking new cavers on their first underground adventures! Those who went to Hidden Earth, hope you did student cavers proud ;)

So a few quick updates:
CHECC @ South Wales is getting closer! Between the 22/11/19 and 24/11/19 Dolygaer Outdoor Education Centre will be taking over by us! As y'know there'll be the usual talks, training, competitions, the stomp and caving with fellow student cavers from all over the country. Competitions, training etc will be announced over the next couple of weeks. One completion that is open now is the t shirt design so get your crayons out and let one of us committee know what your design is and we'll pick the best to be this years t shirt!

NCHECC @ BPF dates have been confirmed, 6/03/20 to 8/03/20. Will let you know SCHECC dates in due course.

CHECC Club Calendar. Apologies for being a bit slow with this this term but if someone from every club can send me over your the trip dates so I can add them that would be great! Hopefully this will aid you guys to organise joint trips! https://calendar.google.com/calendar?cid=ZG5jYmoxcG1maXVhM2ZlMXZuZmV0ZGw3Y3NAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ

Finally, if your club needs help with anything student caving club related, please don't hesitate to get in touch with one of us. We'll be able to put you in touch with leaders, help liaison with SU/H&S and so on so forth!

It would great if you get the chance to write reports of your fresher seasons and post them here on UKCaving to let the rest of the caving community know how strong the student caving scene is!

See yaaaa all soon! Sending cave love and mud!
