Conisbrough Caves East

Visited High Rift Cave and Eanch Rift Cave yesterday which are still as described in NC1 1988.
Also on N side of cutting is a new grovel.

Less success on the S side of the cutting. Sandy Hole, Badger Cave, High Cave and Connection Cave definitely seem to have been 'landscaped'.
On S side opposite High Rift Cave is a short grovel not in NC1.
Further W, visited Flat Roof Cave in the fault but unable to confirm either Short Rift Cave (also in the fault?) or Overhang Cave.
Traversing R out of fault at the top (or walking round through the wood) is anice overhanging cliff. At the L hand end at the top is a small hole matching the description of Short Rift Cave (ish) and an obvious rock shelter with no enterable passage at the base of the cliff.