Goatchurch 20th Sept 2007


Goatchurch, or lets not go to Swildons.

Me Les and known.

Surprise 1. Met as WCC where Lesw announced he would rather spend an evening doing risk assessments and stuff than spend the time caving with us.

Surprise 2. We are going to Goatchurch as known has a cold and Les has no oversuit.

Surprise 3. Due to me now being a member of Wessex and my unrivaled knowledge of Goatchurch I was nominated Cave Leader. I suppose being the only one who had been to Goatchurch may have helped.

Now with me as an official cave leader things obviously improved.

Went strait to Goatchurch, no problems.
Had an official pre-caving meeting where we decided routes, objectives safety procedures etc
Went underground were we successfully kept to the agreed route, never deviating, and met all our cave objectives, including the ladder and the drainpipe.
Surfaced and held a debrief where lessons learn't were discussed and minuted by known. I'm sure known will publish them when he has typed them up.
Went to Hunters.

If I can get another two expeditions under my belt were I am Cave leader I should be able to apply for my Degree in Cave Leadership from Rochville University. This could open all sorts of new horizons for me.