Rift pot

Pete Brookdale

New member
We were down  New Rift on sat and while showing my mate the mouse hole duck i noticed a lot of broken rock and a lump hammer at the start of a crawl i have not seen before, so who has dug this and have they bypassed the duck????


It is a mudminer project.
The duck has been bypassed but not down the crawl you mention. That closes down after a few metres although it has a vocal connection to the large side. I'm not planning to open this and think it would detract from the exchange trip if this bypass was opened.
If you were to go up the hole above you at the start of the crawl then you climb up about 5m into another horizontal passage. Approx 80m further will bring you into large pot in the eldon extensions area. Exploration is ongoing and there are one or two loose areas, although the main route through (obvious) is stable. It is a dry way round but no easier and finding it from the large side is not obvious.



Well-known member
Sounds like a good alternative so at least that part of the trip would not be impossible depending on the whim of the rain gods.