What caving related thing did you do today?


Made an Instagram post celebrating my 100th caving trip yesterday 🥳
This got the cogs whirring in my brain...
Having checked my (admittedly sketchy) logs, I think I completed my 100th cave dive on Thursday evening. 🥳

(This is measured as trips involving diving, so a trip to Swildon's 12 counts as 1 cave dive, despite going below the water 16 times on the way there and back)



Made a new "underwater digging scoop" for using at Rickford.


Filling bags underwater presents a number of problems, not faced by the "dry" digger. One such problem is that you can't put down a bag and expect it to stay there, neither can you roll down the top and expect it to stay open. One hand is therefore always required holding the bag, leaving only one hand free for scooping. With clean, granular fill (sand and gravel), only a tiny handful can be grabbed at a time; this is tedious...

Thursday night, I took a large plastic mug, which worked well, but the fill needs loosening first and the mug needed tying down to stop it floating away. I also doubt that it will last very long.

The new scoop is made from half a scrap diving cylinder with a large handle welded on. It won't float away, it can be used to loosen and scoop, and it should last forever.

Will find out how effective it is this evening, with a bit of luck.