What is this tool?


Active member
I suggest it is for removing scalps, but other than that I'm befuddled!

Let's see how it fares underground... yes it's rusty as owt but there's no harm in trying.


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Staff member
Ha, only just looked at this thinking 'no way I'll know what it is' - wrong - it is indeed a sweat scraper, have one myself for when this coat gets a wash...


If Badlad takes it underground to use in a dig I'll blame you Topimo  ;)


Active member
Perhaps now at a tangent to the original post but why don't we do the whole oil/sweat/scrape/bath thing anymore?

The Romans knew how to unwind, and your horse looks pretty content. :)


Active member
Now that's a good idea, I shall ask my wife if I can 'borrow' one from her stables as I often get all sweaty when on one of our many digging projects, it would be nice to freshen up a bit!


Roger W said:
How many caving huts are there that are equipped with a full Roman bath house?

Could be the next YSS extension? Will have to be quick to get another EU grant though...


Well-known member
It could also be a tanner's tool, I've got a recollection of seeing something similar used to scrape the hair off a hide after it'd been soaked?

Simon Wilson

New member
It definitely a sweat scraper. They're most commonly used when washing horses and cattle. I've used the two handed version when washing cows for shows. The two handed flexible type is called a rapper by some (just rapper; it isn't a sword) and is used for rapper dancing.

Sword dancing isn't in the same league IMHO.

Rapper dancing was traditionally done by men and is presently undergoing a renaissance with standards being pushed up by competitions and women appear to be taking over the lead.

! No longer available



Well-known member
It's more of a water scraper really used after you've washed you horse down , my girls use them daily. Wouldn't like to use one to scrape sweat off that would irritate he horse.


Active member
I've bought it to see if it's any use in the end of a flat-out dig, for the sake of 50p I thought it was worth a shot! I will return with a review on the 28th I hope.

I suspect its going to be too flimsy though, and just using a robustly gloved hand will be more effective.