What to wear for a Swildons short round trip


Well-known member
It's all the calcite that's been deposited that makes it harder than when I first went through 50 years ago! Seriously though it depends on water conditions and how fast you are moving. Have done it in a fleece and oversuit in November and got a bit cold at times but it is the hanging around after getting wet that causes issues.


Active member
If you're a small, fast-moving party who know the way and the cave isn't crowded (eg a midweek evening), you can go light. If you're slow, the party is large or the cave is busy, go warm.


Well-known member
Having assisted a mildly hypothermic caver out from Swildons on a Sump 1 trip, telling people they only need a furry is dangerous. Some cavers will be fine in a T shirt. Some cavers will need a wetsuit or be at significant risk of hypothermia. A lot of cavers I know are not a Mendippian build and often get very very inappropriate advice about how much they need to wear on trips like Sump 1, Short Round, Upper Flood, Dan-yr-Ogof etc...


New member
This thread reminds me of a certain Southampton University caver who “streaked” down to Sump 1 and back in nothing but a helmet and pair of boots. While the rest of us were in the Hunters on a Saturday night from memory. Probably 1973 or 74!