Association for Mexican Cave Studies new book


Active member
The Association for Mexican Cave Studies has a new book on Mexican cave biology for sale. It is by Jos? Palacios-Vargas, Christian Juberthie, and James Reddell. It is a joint publication of the International Society for Subterranean Biology (as Encyclop?dia Biospeologica Vol IIa) and the Uni?n Mexicana de Agrupiones Espeleol?gica (as Mundos Subterr?neos 26-27). Mainly an annotated list of known cave fauna in Mexico, with an extensive bibliography. Price from AMCS is $12, plus postage ($4 for one book in US). See for details about the book, and for how to order (Paypal available).

"Chronicles of the Old Reading Grotto, " Squire Lewis's delightful road-trip journal about a trio of cave bums visiting the 1966 NSS convention, caving and touring in Mexico, and visiting cavers in Austin and Huntsville, is now available as a free PDF file on the AMCS web site: Paper copies are still available for $8.

The deadline for material for AMCS Activities Newsletter 39, to be published early next summer, is May 1, 2016.

Happy holidays and good caving
