A grouping of a.g.m.'s


New member
There seems to be a strange alignment of a.g.m.'s this coming Saturday.
It is the a.g.m.
of The Mendip Caving Group  M.C.G.(CCCLtd. shareholder)
The Charterhouse Caving Company Limited  C.C.C.Ltd.
The British Caving Association  B.C.A.

difficult to attend all three  :-\


New member
S'OK Pete, whatever Martin says, he hasn't been registered as the MCG Rep, so even if he comes Jane can make sure he doesn't speak.


New member
I shall be going to The M.C.G. one

I have been told we have an M.C.G. representative who is willing to forego the pleasure of attending The M.C.G. agm
in favour of attending The C.C.C. Ltd  agm.
Incidentally, I have been told that The M.C.G. one was booked before The C.C.C. Ltd agm.