Tatham Wife Hole rigging

Simon Wilson

New member
With the assistance of two Badgers (those Badgers seem to be everywhere at the moment) six anchors were removed and five new ones installed in Taham Wife Hole. Mark Sims and Toby Buxton had enjoyed Marble Sink the day before but were full of energy.

Some of the anchors removed were very loose and some only slightly loose but I decided to remove all the anchors from the lower pitches while we were there with the gear to do it. We have altered slightly and improved the rigging and a new topo will be drawn. Any of the existing topos will be OK as a guide for rope lengths.

I have also removed the shoddy deviation cords. Apart from the ramp, all of the pitches can be done without deviations but using the deviations gets you further out of the water. I guess there used to be a Spit on the first pitch for a deviation but it had long fallen into disuse and I couldn't find it. There is an attached block (on the left facing the rock) which can be used with a long sling.

Here's a photo of what was brought out of the cave and the anchor removal tool.

Is there any chance of the mods sorting out the photo, I've given up trying to show a photo.

Here's a video of two of the loose anchors.
