Recent content by adamgeens

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    Bag found by bagshawe

    Edit, looked at photo I took, more orange and grey!
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    Bag found by bagshawe

    Small blue and yellow caving bag found in Bagshawe cavern car park today, put in Coe on table. Last visitor in book was NUCC yesterday. Few lamps and chocolate in.
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    Should we still be caving?

    Given the media stories today about the MRO teams of Snowdonia asking people to stay away, as the rescue teams quite reasonably don?t want to be getting callouts at the moment, should we still be caving? Interested to hear the thoughts of members of CROs, as social distancing will be quite hard...
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    Where's this then..?

    Quick question I should probably know but a friend has just sent this pic and asked me what mine/cave this is? Hope side of Castleton apparently...
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    Helmet/lamp left at jugholes

    Just wondering if anybody may have picked up a blue edelrid with a pixa fixed to it? Left on Thursday either by jugholes cave or car park last week. Thanks in anticipation....
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    Swildon?s this weekend

    Hello all, bringing some Mendips newbies to the Wessex this weekend and planning the short round trip. Would be grateful for any news/tips, ie is mud sump passable (wasn?t last time) etc. Thanks very much, hope to bump into a few club members, it?s always a pleasure  :)
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    Advice please on any non-srt caves in SW with open access

    Hi folks I?m asking for a friend who?s not on UKC.... He?s taking his family down to Brecon this weekend and would like to take them caving. He is a level 2 leader in the peak and the kids have done jugholes, giants and plenty more, so the cave doesn?t need to be too simple, but really needs to...
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    Swildon's Mud Sump

    Last year we drove down to do the Short Round but found that Mud Sump was actually very sumped. Half an hour of four of us bailing made no difference to the water level. We're coming back this weekend for another go, so the question is... is Mud sump passable at the moment to allow for the...
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    gautries - mesage for Simon

    hoping Simon Gant is on here  :) we quickly dropped into Gautries today to show round a friend from N Wales, and found your note which we were very happy to sign! however, thought you might like to know that the paper is wet and i don't think you'll get anybody else able to sign it. we appear...
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    Yorks trip this Friday anybody?

    In a moment of pure muppetry I've left something important in NPC hut in Yorks which I've got to collect on Friday, so to make the journey worth my while, I'm keen to get a trip in underground while I'm there. So... is there anybody knocking about in Yorks this Friday that fancies a trip out...
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    Alum Pot- how was it named?

    I had the pleasure of a first trip into Alum Pot today and back at a pub in the Peak a friend told me that the phrase 'Alum Pot' meant something very different to him. I was wondering if their could be a link (especially given the plan view of the cave...), and was interested to know how and...