Recent content by Tim Pickering

  1. Tim Pickering

    When to wear neoprene?

    Looking at all these latex options mentioned above, you might be able to get something similar from LoveHoney (don't google it if you're on a works computer!).
  2. Tim Pickering

    When to wear neoprene?

    I can tell you when not to wear neoprene! When attempting to carry a mates gas bottle up to the pothole on the hottest (or what felt like the hottest) day thus far. Not my finest hour.
  3. Tim Pickering

    Bernie's under new ownership!

    Oh come on! You can't just leave it at that.
  4. Tim Pickering

    A few books, free to good homes

    I wouldn't mind the British Caving book by Cullingford, Pitlamp, if it hasn't already been dibbed.
  5. Tim Pickering

    Cultural History of Gender

    You should have probably left this last post out. I thought you were concerned about the welfare of young people, who may or may not be trans, getting the correct treatment, which is certainly worthy of discussion but you've just trotted out this tired, old line about straight men putting on...
  6. Tim Pickering

    Cultural History of Gender

    The Cass Report is not really relevant in this discussion as it is concerned with healthcare provision for children and young people (under the age of 18) with possible gender dysphoria. The NHS website clearly states that gender dysphoria is not a mental illness, but having gender dysphoria...
  7. Tim Pickering

    CRTT - No rope of Croesor 1st Pitch

    I recall a lengthy discussion on the pros and cons of in situ ropes being had before on here. Nothing will ever convince me that in situ ropes are a good idea.
  8. Tim Pickering

    Bernie's under new ownership!

    You'll not keep me out if there's table football to be had.
  9. Tim Pickering

    Vegan food

    The Co-op in Ingleton is shockingly bad for vegan food. However, the Co-op in Bentham is amazing.
  10. Tim Pickering

    Vegan food

    Oh, dream breakfast: sausage, facon, scrambled tofu, black pudding (yup, Bury Pudding Co. do a vegan black pudding which is amazing), mushrooms, tomatoes, baked beans, hash browns, and fried bread. Breakfast of champions. I can feel my arteries constricting at the very thought of it. Now if...
  11. Tim Pickering

    Vegan food

    Nutritional yeast, aka 'hippy flakes'. Try sprinkling a hot-'buttered' crumpet with them and popping it back under the grill for a minute or two. Also, love how my my heart-felt plea for a decent vegan fry-up in Ingleton has branched into its own topic.
  12. Tim Pickering

    Bernie's under new ownership!

    Personal request: please, please, please put a proper vegan fry-up on the menu.
  13. Tim Pickering

    Caving undersuits vs drysuit undersuits

    Mine's a Scubapro but looks very similar, almost identical, to the Typhoons. I've never noticed an issue with it being heavier than the Warmbac when wet. If anything, it dries a lot quicker post-caving. I haven't used the Warmbac since aquiring this.
  14. Tim Pickering

    Caving undersuits vs drysuit undersuits

    I was given a drysuit undersuit and much prefer it to my warmbac undersuit. It's lighter and has neoprene wrist and ankle cuffs. Perfect for all but the wettest of caves (then the neofleece comes out).
  15. Tim Pickering

    what is wrong with bogfarts roaring

    You lost me at 'dead sheep' :sick: