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  1. thesiger

    forum downtime on evening of Monday 2nd March

    The forum will be taken offline on Monday evening. It should be back online some time on Tuesday.
  2. thesiger

    Change of ownership for ukCaving

    Tim and Jane Allen are delighted to announce they are the new owners of We love caves, caving and all that goes with the sport and have been caving, both home and abroad, for many years. UK Caving is an integral part of the caving community and we hope our plans will improve...
  3. thesiger

    Forum upgrade ...

    ... being done now ... 5am UK time
  4. thesiger

    Forum maintenance later today

    We have to take the forum offline later to upgrade the server OS. Hopefully it will only take 24 hours or so. Wish us luck ...
  5. thesiger

    request received for help with Glasgow loch outflow collapse

    We received this message to the forum's gmail address last night. If anyone is interested, the source's contact details are below (please don't PM me!). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We manage a large area of land near...
  6. thesiger

    Simple Portal installation

    We have just installed Simple Portal to enable a number of changes: new menus, article publishing, etc. More information to follow!
  7. thesiger

    feedback on the site

    As people probably know, UKCaving and UKBouldering run on the same server and so were a logical 2-for1 purchase for Simon and I when Bubba put them up for sale earlier this year. Over the first few months we did tend to focus more on UKB but we have now got more time to attend to UKCaving. One...
  8. thesiger

    "Ogof Draenen entrance wars - a compromise solution?" thread

    Apologies for being abrupt but we are locking this thread following complaints. We don't understand the context of the complaints sufficiently, so need some time to get up to speed. Would be grateful for some patience. Thanks.
  9. thesiger

    Ghar Parau, Iran

    An iranian friend has done this cave. She claims that is a pretty big deal. Anyone have any context? Should I be impressed?