Searching for very old photo of Goatchurch entrance


New member
I'm sure I recall seeing a very old photo of the main entrance of Goatchurch with some people in formal Victorian dress (top hat, suit, crinoline dress etc)standing either side. After much googling I have failed to find it. Does anyone have a link/pointer to where I can get a copy?



Well-known member
There's one on Page 74 of Mendip Underground, Irwin & Jarrett edn. 1993. Taken in 1901 by Harry Bamforth but just inside the cave not at the entrance. There may be more in other books, will have a look.


Well-known member
I've seen old photos of entrance & another of couple at "end" of main passage, but not both combined
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Well-known member
There is an old photo of the entrance on this website from 1903 if that's any help.
The picture of the bloke standing in the entrance is also reproduced in UBSS Proc Vol 26 No1 'The Early History of Goatchurch Cavern'. There's also a few sketches and other interesting bits.