Sharnberry / Skarnberry Mine Northumberland Eggleston


New member
Sharnberry / Skarnberry Mine Northumberland Eggleston

I am heading up to cary out some routine water quality and flow gauging up at Sharnberry lead mine on its adit the mine has been subject of water quality polution management due to the levels of metallic polutionts that are in the water. Have recced the surface working a few times on previuse visits and it seems to have a lovely intact adit (which is were it drains from) there is also a more contemporary concrete structure on the drive down to the site which looks mining related. Could anyonbe that has visited this site underground or has any further information that could satisfy my curiosity about this realy intresting site please drom me a message. thanks in advance.


Well-known member
This seems to refer to the concrete structure (& there are other more recent discussions about other things there):


If it's the same place I know as Sharnberry mine, I've got some photographs from inside the adit and a trip report from about 15-20 years ago.

The photos are on Facebook, but I'm not sure how to share them externally from my phone. If you're on Facebook, I can send you a link through messenger.

Otherwise, I can have a look on my PC for the originals and trip report, but that won't be before Friday, as I'm digging tonight and out Thursday evening.

Edit: reading the info in the link above, it's definitely the same place.
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Pete's pics are from 28th march 2009
Pictures are actually from before then, but not uploaded straight away as we turned a the river through a popular picnic/mountain bike spot bright orange on a Sunday afternoon in the height of summer. Thought we'd best not own up to it while people might have still been talking about it locally :LOL:


New member
Here are some pics taken by Colin Fowler 4th September 2017. 2558 is the end of the main crosscut, 2559 is the branch which runs off to the north east, 2575 is the base of a shaft to surface, 2545 is the main level just before the final collapse. The contemporary concrete structure up the valley is the top of a ventilation shaft for the Derwent - Wear -Tees water tunnel.


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2559 is the branch which runs off to the north east,
I'd forgotten that there was a junction.

We looked at the end of it and there was a big pile of orange slop that had run in. It looked like it could have been diggable, but we decided against it, on the basis of the amount of orange slop that it would send down the valley!
The right hand branch is now collapsed at the raise at the hopper. These guys did a video on the place last year but they didn't get all the way to the end on that occasion due to the notorious bad air. On my visit, prior, it was already collapsed but managed to get to the collapse at the end of the main horse level.


Active member
The right hand branch is now collapsed at the raise at the hopper. These guys did a video on the place last year but they didn't get all the way to the end on that occasion due to the notorious bad air. On my visit, prior, it was already collapsed but managed to get to the collapse at the end of the main horse level.
Is this a scam to get us to look at the Video with a silly title - no doubt enough hits and it generates an income!
The right hand branch is now collapsed at the raise at the hopper. These guys did a video on the place last year but they didn't get all the way to the end on that occasion due to the notorious bad air. On my visit, prior, it was already collapsed but managed to get to the collapse at the end of the main horse level.
Just remembered
Is this a scam to get us to look at the Video with a silly title - no doubt enough hits and it generates an income!
Errm, nope, I was just helping with a video I’d seen shot on there, but if that’s your attitude…shove it.
The video has nothing to do with me, I don’t make videos, again, I was just trying to help by linking a video I know shows the present collapse but your attitude is childish and spiteful so I will help you no more. Aldi, if uour going yo take that wttitude, i suggest you font donit with a name linked to your business, its not a good look.


Active member
I wasn't asking for info in the first place its not spiteful or childish to suggest a video title like this is designed to attract hits, it neither provides the right level of information or show any research, itssimply aimed at Sun Readers looking for thrill not genuine explorers or researchers. It maywell it will attract inexperienced and poorly equiped people looking for a cheap thrill

I'm sorry if you are offended by comments they were not aimed at you personaly, but the morons who put these titles