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Singing River mine


New member
Please can we refrain from visiting Singing River mine until further notice. The lady who owns the house where the entrance is located has passed away, and the house is now occupied on an infrequent basis by her son. I spoke to the neighbour yesterday and he had been approached by some cavers requesting access. Of course, he can't say yes or no.
We both feel that for the time being, it would be best not to visit the mine until the house has been sold / re-occupied, and the new keeper (who will undoubtably know there is a mine entrance in the back garden) can be contacted.
I can't see that if you were a prospective house buyer, having a load of muddy cavers appear in the garden would be a plus point.......


Well-known member
That's a real shame. Singing River was one of my favourite cave/mines. Brilliant name, and the intracies are quite entertaining. Let's see what pans out, maybe a goodwill conservation type fee would be fine.
Please don't muck it up over politics.


Have you advised the CSCC? They are best placed to advised the Mendip caving community of access information.


New member
The person currently responsible for the property has no problem with cavers accessing the mine subject to a courtesy text message. She may not respond to the text, unless there's ever any reason that it's not convenient, but would like to have the opportunity to inform the neighbours as necessary. See CSCC 'Access Guide' for details.


The last changed info is wrong, there is a new paragraph in the access information:

Please send a courtesy text message to Mrs Lynn Brady on ***** prior to visiting the mine. You can proceed in the absence of a reply.

(Accurate as of when this was posted)


New member
You find the number by following the instructions in the original post ie look at the CSCC Access Guide. The original post was intentionally worded as it was to limit the exposure of the number to those people who wanted to use it, as I had promised the responsible person, whilst informing interested parties that a system existed.
In fact, I would like the Moderator to remove the number from this thread, please.


My apologies, I thought that since it was on a public access guide then putting it on a public caving forum wasn't going to be a problem, but ensured I copied and pasted the CSCC's wording directly. I'll ask a moderator to remove it, as there's nothing I can do about it now.