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Panel members wanted


Well-known member
I am looking for panel members for a 30 minute event at HE this year. Continuing my shameless plundering of concepts from Radio 4 my wife Angie suggested a caver's JAM (Just a Minute for those unaware of the acronym). I need 4 brilliant and witty individuals wishing to compete on talking for a minute without hesitation, deviation or repetition. Failing brilliant and witty anybody will do. The subjects  will be topical as you might expect! PM if you are interested. LesW ought to be on the panel I think :). No preparation is required. If somebody wants to sponsor a winner's award (this is a deviation from the show) then that would be fun.


Anyone fancy a game now?

I was descending a pitch and in order to avoid rope-rub higher up, I put a sling around a spike of rock, attached a karabiner to this tape and then threaded my rope through the krab...


Well-known member
However, a player who makes a correct challenge does have to complete the remainder of the minute...


Well-known member
Benefit of the doubt goes to Scurve, who posted at 17:03:30, with no correct challenges in the minute. He wins the round.

The subject of round 2 is "caves of the Moon" please can someone talk for one minute about caves of the moon. starting now (when they post).

[I don't think this will catch on online...]

scurve said:
Anyone fancy a game now?

I was descending a pitch and in order to avoid rope-rub higher up, I put a sling around a spike of rock, attached a karabiner to this tape and then threaded my rope through the krab...


Active member
lava tubes on the moon. not really caves. that being said, if someone wants to pay for me to go, i'll happily explore them for the sake of science.

Les W

Active member
mrodoc said:
LesW ought to be on the panel I think :). N

Les W is pretty sure he will be way too busy to even see a whole lecture, let alone be in a presentation...

Some big talks this year and a few technical challenges...

Les W


But surely if you've made a correct challenge, then the subject is with you mikem, and you now have 50 seconds to tell us about caves of the moon.