
New member
Hey guys not been caving in a good while due to having a baby, getting back into it now and when I went to go on adit now it’s no longer a website, has it been taken down ?




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Well-known member
Plenty of info about it on here - several regulars are now on (specially created) mining forum on this site:


Well-known member
Summary - gone for good (in my opinion). Including all of the pictures and data uploaded to it. :mad:



Summary - gone for good (in my opinion). Including all of the pictures and data uploaded to it. :mad:

I can tell you that the data are safe. Only the shop front has disappeared, the warehouse of stock is still safe elsewhere. Just needs a shop front developing.


Well-known member
I believe it’s time. namho needs to request to “use” this information how it sees fit . It has the funds and could get it done in a couple of months .

You Thursday nighters have contact and no one else does. if Simon can just share a copy of the data we can move forward in a way we choose . Lots of conversations have already happened.I have faith in the people we all no, they will get this sorted as soon as possible .

It’s everybody’s data not just his .
All this has done is divide the mining community.

We can develop a shop front , nothing stops us having 2.
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Active member
Well it was certainly a fantastic resource and is greatly missed. Whilst this forum enables folk to communicate which is very welcome it doesn't replace many of the useful features of Aditnow.

If I was going to visit a particular area of the country I could view a map with the locations of mines on it, see photos of them and plan a visit with some useful information already in hand such as grid ref. and some idea of the nature of the site. This enabled many afternoon or evening trips to be fitted in during spare moments with limited time on family holidays etc. As opposed to hours of research and tramping hillsides.

Of course there may be a downside to such easily accessible information but it worked great for me!

From what I gather it was taken down for good reasons and of course one can't be too churlish about the speed of it's return given it was all free and done voluntarily (and done very well!).

That said anything to enable it's return would be most welcome, I'm not sure if it hasn't come back due to problems of time, money, enthusiasm or technical difficulty. I'd certainly be prepared to pay a small subscription if that was the issue?


Well-known member
NAMHO are quite prepared to step in (in principle) - I have canvassed opinion informally about this.

But without the data, nothing is going to happen.

It's been 3 years now...



Well-known member
I think it’s time everyone should voice their opinions about this . Even if you just feel a lurker .

Membership cost I haven’t heard mentioned. Just data is required to get it rolling ..


Well-known member
I searched for it last night, looking for the pins that you could see all the mineshafts and find extra detail of the features around somewhere you were looking at.

The most valuable thing ever!


New member
Ours website hit snags unfortunately. Requiring a rather a lot of financial input. Hence it never became operational. So I can sympathise with anybody trying to create a website with such a large volume of data.
There is thankfully plenty of Discords that are used for the Mines throughout North Wales and beyond. They do seem to suffice in terms of providing grid references, data, photographs etc.
Also a handful of virtual clouds that are active that explorers share information on. (This is something we attempted to pursue but financially wasn't viable)


I managed to save a list as list of all the mine locations on the map along with grid refs of the pins. (These were not always acurrate.)

I did start making a website with the pins on a new map, but it took absolutely ages to manually convert it into a format to go on my map.

I still have this data if anyone wants it, but its a copy of the code and you need to fish the data out of it.


I wasnt really in the scene very long before the closure of Adit but from what I remember it was a excellent resource, I would certainly like to see its return asap.


I believe it’s time. namho needs to request to “use” this information how it sees fit . It has the funds and could get it done in a couple of months .

You Thursday nighters have contact and no one else does. if Simon can just share a copy of the data we can move forward in a way we choose . Lots of conversations have already happened.I have faith in the people we all no, they will get this sorted as soon as possible .

It’s everybody’s data not just his .
All this has done is divide the mining community.

We can develop a shop front , nothing stops us having 2.
I do understand what you mean, but remember that people uploaded personal and sensitive stuff there too, so it is not exactly public domain knowledge ready to hand out to just anyone to build a website from which could be considered reckless. All I can say is that everything is archived correctly and has not been lost. I can’t comment any further really, not my place to speak.


I do understand what you mean, but remember that people uploaded personal and sensitive stuff there too, so it is not exactly public domain knowledge ready to hand out to just anyone to build a website from which could be considered reckless. All I can say is that everything is archived correctly and has not been lost. I can’t comment any further really, not my place to speak.
To clarify, people entrusted their data to AN alone when they uploaded it, and therefore they might not be happy with that data being shared beyond that relationship with others without their permission. I hope you can understand it’s not as simple as just sharing the data in bulk, because there are sensitive and personal things in there that people will not want shared.


Well-known member
I think it’s just the bulk 95% of things, that are normal user level which are of the most interest.
I completely understand where your coming from regarding the other.

Namho obviously will no the legal side in and out due to the events they hold .

It’s time to realise though how many members have been lost due to this. We have gone backwards in time and now operate more as localised clubs. Aditnow gave me the ability to speak to groups in Scotland etc .

I completely understand your hands are tied in this & appreciate your response. Simon did an amazing job, I am sure the next site he does will be the Same quality again.

I myself don’t fancy waiting another 3+ years . I think it’s time namho needs to contact him personally, about the data sharing. When this happened 3 years ago, everyone was told they would get regular updates . No one has had any not even Roy.f

Now if the main representative doesn’t have contact, that’s not very good in my honest opinion. We cannot claim to be documenting the history of mining in our nation. when we don’t have a data base to store it .

We are just asking for the data . We have the funds , let’s get the ball rolling again.


Well-known member
NAMHO has attempted to make contact without success. Apart from NAMHO's resources, we also have offers of financial help from other organisations. Therefore......if anyone knows a way of contacting Simon, we would be very happy to be involved. My phone number is 07718385646 and my email address is

Peter Jackson, Chair, NAMHO.
Simon's web design business ( is still active as far as I can tell, though whether it's still him running it I don't know? I'll try and find the email contact I've got for him and pass it on to you.