Caving Video Clips thread


New member
christine said:
I took a mate of mine down to sump one for her first trip below the 20 yesterday, along with a good friend, Noel Cleave.
Clare is a cave diver and dives at a very high level abroad, but has done no Uk cave diving and has only just taken up dry caving. We exchange patience in that I cave at her pace and she poses happily and without complaint while I practise my photography  ;)

I've seen sump one with airspace over the last few years in the summer, but I don't think I've seen it with this much before. What do you think?

Watching the first person coming back through, the wife said

That's not even a duck, he's got his helmet on!


Well-known member
Here's my video entry for Hidden Earth this year:

ShAFF 2011 Arcteryx Adventure Shot Entry - Rob Eavis

It is made from around 1000 still images, some with over 5 minute exposure times, and using no computer generated effects.
Although this is the version entered for the AV section of the Sheffield Adventure Film Festival earlier this year, it's basically the same... Well happy that it won both competitions!

Les W

Active member
Rob said:
Here's my video entry for Hidden Earth this year:

It is an exceptional piece of work that must have taken many, many hours to photograph and put together. The wins are well deserved!  :bow:


Well-known member
Superb, Rob.

Just watched it three times with my 2 year old. "Again, Again", she said each time it ended. "Do you like caves?" I asked. "Yes, like caves" she said. Praise indeed!

The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
Great stuff Rhys. What a different and immediate world it is now. I hope somebody is logging the cave video on U Tube as it will become a valuable record one day. We recently filmed Radford Cave, North West Inlet in OCAF and Ogof Capel.  Peter also did some stuff in Reservoir and Withyhill, part of a longer term project. Sadly anything I appear in resembles Comic Cuts rather than caving.

Care in the community visits Craig a Ffynnon


Rhys said:
My first play with the helmet camera underground. A hastily edited taster - Slaughter Stream Cave, Forest of Dean. 11/2/2012.


Which helmet cam are you using on this clip?
