'New to Caving' website launched


Staff member
We're delighted to announce the launch of a new website



Years ago, if interested in caving it was down the library to read 'The Spur Book of Caving', nowadays it's reach for the smart phone.

We therefore wanted to provide a modern, professionally designed website to inspire and encourage new people to take up our sport.

With the help of Dan at http://www.torstudio.co.uk/ (who by coincidence happens to have a mine shaft in his back garden that cavers have recently made safe!) and after several months of hard work and invaluable support from many cavers we are finally ready to 'go live'  ;)

Thank you to all the photographers who allowed us to use their fabulous shots, to the video team, especially Mark Sims for all his technical help, to Adele for the use of her story and Southampton Uni for their excellent poster....and also to all those who responded to my various requests for help - even if we didn't use your photo, you gave us more choice and that in itself was so useful, thank you  (y)

If you know of a group or organisation who would be interested linking to 'New to Caving', please PM me or simply send them the link, thank you.

Please help us spread the word about caving to a new generation of cavers, share on social media or if you run a caving club (or other) website consider linking to 'New to Caving' - thank you for your support.

We hope you like it, cheers, Pegasus & Badlad


Brilliant! Really good website and a great advert for the sport. Love the video as well!  :clap:

Dave Tyson

I like the layout and the video is excellent - a good choice of location as that's where a lot of newbies start. Lots of well presented information, it hopefully will encourage more to venture underground. It might be worthwhile if caving club websites (and the BCA) link to it to push up its page rank in Google.

My only (slight) criticism is there seems to be no mention of mine-exploring  :cautious:



Staff member
Thanks everyone for the encouragement.

@Dave - so sorry no mention of mine exploration  :-[  We will be updating NTC to keep it fresh and I'll take all comments into account - yours is on the list!  We could add something to taking it further maybe??

I couldn't agree more about the more links to the site the better.  We will be asking all clubs who want to be listed if they will please link back to us - seems fair enough, reciprocal links  :)


Ian Adams

Well-known member
The original initiative was applaudable and to see it carried through (with finesse) is great.

Top job !




Staff member
mikem said:
Looks good. For some reason "The Forest" has been separated from "of Dean & Devon." on this page:
& would be good if the map had some links to pictures of each area's caves...


If you view on a laptop there's a map with photos of the various caving regions, but not visible when viewing by mobile - so have forwarded your comments to Dan, thank you  (y) (y)

Long Drop

Active member
Excellent website, we've been long overdue for something fresh like this.

The clubs are currently organised alphabetically, would it be possible to arrange that they are searchable by geographical area? (I.e., if I live in Aberystwyth where is my nearest club?)

Good effort.



Active member
What a wonderful website. It answers (some) of the questions people always used to ask me - 'Why do you do it?' Hopefully it will inspire more people...


Well-known member
Dave Tyson said:
I like the layout and the video is excellent - a good choice of location as that's where a lot of newbies start. Lots of well presented information, it hopefully will encourage more to venture underground. It might be worthwhile if caving club websites (and the BCA) link to it to push up its page rank in Google.

My only (slight) criticism is there seems to be no mention of mine-exploring  :cautious:


I rather think one of the photos is Rhiw Bach!

Excellent website - 11/10.



Excellent,  really well done.  There's been a lot of thought and hard work put into that and it's come out well.


Staff member
Long Drop said:
Excellent website, we've been long overdue for something fresh like this.

The clubs are currently organised alphabetically, would it be possible to arrange that they are searchable by geographical area? (I.e., if I live in Aberystwyth where is my nearest club?)

Good effort.


Thank you (everyone) for your positive feedback. 

Ref clubs being searchable by geographical area - it wasn't easy getting the list together that's on New to Caving at the moment - see this thread:

http://ukcaving.com/board/index.php?topic=21747.0  ... and thank you to all those who responded from those clubs  (y) 

so we left it as alphabetical for now.

Hopefully clubs who want to be added and have a good 'novice policy' will fill in the form - all we will ask is they agree to put a link to NTC on their website.

We've already had a number of requests (I'll be in touch soon - it's been a bit busy today!) and as the list lengthens, we'll look again at how the clubs are listed.

Cheers, Pegasus



New member
Great looking site - well done.
However, you clearly mostly cave in nice clean water-washed Yorkshire caves - "The caver may walk, twist and squeeze, they may climb, stoop and crawl, and they may plunge, wade and swim; ascending and descending through the wonderful spaces left between rock and water." In Derbyshire that would be "between rock and mud."


New member
Great website, well done, but please reconsider showing the picture on home page which has 3 cavers standing on top of stalagmites in a large very well decorated chamber. Whatever safeguards you took taking off boots etc this will not be apparent to a novice caver looking at the website who will likely get the message its OK to tread or climb over formations. Of course this contradicts the conservation messages on later page. Thanks, Mark Tringham


Well-known member
teabag said:
Great looking site - well done.
However, you clearly mostly cave in nice clean water-washed Yorkshire caves - "The caver may walk, twist and squeeze, they may climb, stoop and crawl, and they may plunge, wade and swim; ascending and descending through the wonderful spaces left between rock and water." In Derbyshire that would be "between rock and mud."
There are a few pics of muddy (& not so muddy) Mendip cavers...
