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Well Mr Brook, you were right!


Staff member
This afternoon, 6th November 2011, the final connection was made in the much postulated 'Three Counties System'. After over 140m of digging through an horrendous boulder choke, Lost Johns has been joined to Notts 2 - the final link in a 50 year+ saga.  It is now possible to go underground in Cumbria, travel below Lancashire and emerge in Yorkshire (if you are hard).  All those involved, from whatever era, should celebrate this fantastic achievement.  The system is now approximately 102km.


New member
Well done, a long time and a lot of hard work! Brill. Hopefully we shall see a video and/or TV program about it soon...  :beer:

Pie Muncher

:clap: Congratulations. What is the state of the connection at the moment? i.e. passable with care, stay away till stablisation work is complete?


Active member
Pete Brookdale said:
great news just need to connect to Easegill for an even bigger trip!

it is! lost johns connects to gavel connects to pippikin.

Great news.  Looking forward to seeing the BK side after being in the LJ choke.