Traverse above Crabwalk - Giants


Active member
There was a thread re: loose P bolts at the ab down from the crabwalk traverse. Was down there yesterday and kept looking up trying to find the bolts assuming them to be near the worn thread boulder. All I could find were two spits in the ceiling directly above the jammed boulder. My glasses admittedly did get a little steamed up... but! Any clues?!


New member
IIRC they're just as you emerge into the traverse, well before the thread, so's you can drop your weegees straight down without any risk of a daft one dropping itself into the crabwalk.....


Active member
So does a weegee mean my mate Rob... soon to be known as Rob the Scared!? Mind you is was funny as I'd sort of promised that we wouldn't be doing it and that we'd ab off early. Fancy my surprise when I got to the block and told him he'd done it! He was a little pleased.