

New member
Trying to get my head round Therion, so far i have been shown some basics. I have printed the manual and cannot find the answers I'm looking for.

I'm surveying using distox and pockettopo, i am also used to using Survex.
Ive put the notes into the text editor, I've also got the map imported as a background image, and i have drawn on the outline.
When i come to create a pdf with the sketch all i get is the centreline with the left and rights.

Anyone got any clues?


New member
Jams said:
Trying to get my head round Therion, so far i have been shown some basics. I have printed the manual and cannot find the answers I'm looking for.

I'm surveying using distox and pockettopo, i am also used to using Survex.
Ive put the notes into the text editor, I've also got the map imported as a background image, and i have drawn on the outline.
When i come to create a pdf with the sketch all i get is the centreline with the left and rights.

First of all: Check wiki on therion page, mailing conference and samples in therionbook - last chapter in windows version or you may use make in therion/samples directory.

PocketTopo is able to export surveying data and sketches to file.txt which is possible to import to therion.
PocketTopo: Menu>Export>Therion... it creates the file with extension .txt. Therion: In text editor you may import data from File>Import and type of file: PocketTopo therion export. In map editor you may import both your sketches (map and elevation) as background images.

According your problem: Therion will export map with only centerline whet there is not defined map or maps. Maps have structure independent from surveys structure. They include scraps or another maps. The top map should be defined in source layout file for compiling:

map my_map


New member
I've been at it all day now, keep trying to produce an output file. But all ive managed to achieve is the following error:

therion 5.2.14
initialization file: C:\Program Files\Therion/therion.ini
reading ... done
configuration file: thconfig
reading ... done
reading source files ...
C:\Program Files\Therion\therion.exe: error -- [2] -- missing some before survey command
writing xtherion file ... done

What exactly does that mean?


New member
I'm in no way a Therion expert, but I have managed to create a very simple project which outputs a PDF from a sketch and survey data. I've uploaded the files here for you. Hopefully this will help you understand what is going wrong for you? I couldn't bear to see someone left with nothing to do over Christmas  ;)

Therion Project

The project contains 4 files:
  • thconfig file contains the compile instructions to build the project and output both a PDF and 3D model (lox) file.
  • thconfig.layout file is just taken from an example and defines the default output options (I think)
  • contains the survey numbers, and includes the 'scraps' which make up the sketch plus the file containing them
  • mares.th2 contains the actual sketch for the scrap I drew using the therion map editor

My advice is to start by checking you can process these to output a PDF and LOX file. If that works, then try moving your own data over into similar files bit by bit, keeping it simple at first until you discover the point at which it goes wrong.

Good luck!


New member
Ive managed to narrow it down to the 'map' command. It all works fine, apart from the drawing being on the pdf, just the centreline. As soon as a try that nothing.
map pdp -title "Gautries Hole"
That's inserted between survey commands

Whats the pdp part? Does it have any relevence?


New member
Jams said:
map pdp -title "Gautries Hole"
That's inserted between survey commands

Whats the pdp part? Does it have any relevence?

pdp is the name of this particular map. You may use it later to define more complex map structure.


New member
Jams said:
I've been at it all day now, keep trying to produce an output file. But all ive managed to achieve is the following error: What exactly does that mean?

therion 5.2.14
initialization file: C:\Program Files\Therion/therion.ini
reading ... done

therion environment parameters you may change  are in therion.ini file: check therionbook - find therion.ini

If no file is found Therion uses its default settings. If you want to list them, use --print-
init-file option. The initialization  file is read like any other therion  file. (Empty lines
or lines starting with `#' are ignored; lines ending with a backslash continue on next line.)
Currently supported initialization commands follow.
  loop-closure <therion/survex>
By default, survex is used if present, otherwise therion.
etc. etc. etc.

configuration file: thconfig
reading ... done

thconfig is file with parameters for therion compilator. In very simple way it contains only "source" and "export map" lines. Check therionbook for details.

reading source files ...
C:\Program Files\Therion\therion.exe: error -- [2] -- missing some before survey command

therion tried to read file file and found that on line 2 is something missing.

writing xtherion file ... done

Therion saved xtherion file.

Check Thbook, wiki, therion/samples section, mail conference first, please.


Jams said:
I've been at it all day now, keep trying to produce an output file. But all ive managed to achieve is the following error:

therion 5.2.14
initialization file: C:\Program Files\Therion/therion.ini
reading ... done
configuration file: thconfig
reading ... done
reading source files ...
C:\Program Files\Therion\therion.exe: error -- [2] -- missing some before survey command
writing xtherion file ... done

What exactly does that mean?
If you email me your files I'll have a look at it for you but, do it now as I'm going to Vietnam on Thursday.