CNCC news on access land


Well-known member
All sorts of 'dangerous' words in that: 'facilitate', 'access', 'compromise', 'good relations', 'common sense' ( :eek: ) and 'respectful'...

and dangerous ideas like 'cannot control access to caves', 'most flexible access possible', 'compromise solution which maintains good relations with the landowner'...

I await the latest response(s) from Da[r,n]kness Below...  :beer: :read: :mad: :chair:


Active member
I think darknessbelow would publish this, if you sent them a submission. They are keen to publish news from the BCA etc as well as the regional access bodies whatever it may be.


Active member
Isn't Dihedral exempt form permit as it is within the extent of day light down to the main chamber floor?


Staff member
The whole story is there on the CNCC website with appropriate links to further information. The CNCC approach has been detailed in our newsletter over the last few years.  Plenty of information there for any other news outlet should they wish to repeat it.  (y)