• BCA Finances

    An informative discussion

    Recently there was long thread about the BCA. I can now post possible answers to some of the questions, such as "Why is the BCA still raising membership prices when there is a significant amount still left in its coffers?"

    Click here for more

30 years ago today

Ed W

Today marks the 30th anniversary of an event that I am very proud to have been a small part of.  The full story is given in the Wessex Cave Club Journal (https://www.wessex-cave-club.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Wessex-Cave-Club-Journal-Number-229.pdf see p.38), but essentially a small group of us spent the morning winding up tourists and employees at Wookey Hole as we panned for gold, and apparently found it in startling quantities, in the river Axe by the show cave car park.  Instigated by the late Jim Rand, the scheme was genius as April 1st 1991 was also Easter Monday and few people clocked that it was also April Fool's Day.  The highlight if the day was convincing the show cave staff who had been sent to find out what we were up to that they had thrown away a fortune when they had dredged the stream a few months before - I am sure that today's management would not be so gullible (that's you I am giving a compliment to Cap'n Chris).  Just a shame that our other co-conspirator Ian Timney didn't quite live to see this anniversary.  I have very fond memories of this harmless prank and wish there were more like this today.