Goyden system: Scour tests at upstream reservoirs


Well-known member
Yorkshire Water are no longer sending out emails to advise of scour tests resulting in a sudden release of water into the river entering the Goyden system; you need to check their website instead:

"In future we are asking that you check our website www.yorkshirewater.com/scourtest to see when we are carrying out the tests.

All our planned dates are set out a year in advance and are normally populated on our website from mid-December for the following year.
As I?m sure you?ll understand, occasionally due to unforeseen circumstances, we may have to alter a date or add an extra one into the schedule.
For this reason, if you are planning to work in/near a river and you believe a scour test from one of our reservoirs may affect you, please check our website 1 week before your planned date."