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google mapping


New member
I'm trying to overlay a survey of Singing river mine on to an aerial photo from google maps.
Maybe I'm being thick, but how do I "grab" the photo to enable me to load it into my photo editing program (corel pro photo)?
Am I missing something or are the photos on google maps blocked?

cheers for any help.



Assuming you're using a PC and Windows, just pressing the PrintScreen key, then opening your art package and selecting "Paste" (usually pressing Ctrl-V) should do the job.


New member
Given that it is their copyrighted material, they probably don't want you copying it, however if you dig around inside the page source you can get at the images, they are a lot of tiles though so you would have to download several - here's the north west end of ingleborough

Alternatively you can add an overlay file to a google map (you do need access to a web server to do this though) - green line on the map below is a bit of County Pot.

All in all the print screen option is probably the way to go


New member
I normally take images from Google Maps or Google Earth by by "printing" as a pdf and then importing it into Photoshop.


Active member
Get Google earth+

You can import all your data into it including extra foto's / surveys ...

Paul  (chairmain of Sc Avalon) did this for several of our projects.

An example : http://www.scavalon.be/avalonnl/psm/anial_3D.htm

If you have already google earth, just download the file (13mb) and start playing with it in google earth.




New member
Well, thanks for all your replies and help. It's taken some time and the results aren't exactly professional, but it gives the information I was after. Yer tiz...



New member

Awesome! I'll try it when I have a bit more time on my hands. Ironically, when I were a proper engineering draughstman years ago , I could (and still could) have done this beautifully in a couple of hours. Would have been on paper though, and not so easy to share!