Search results

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    The history of caving in Cardiff

    Hi Tom, I was a member of University College Cardiff Caving & climbing Club (UC5) from 1962 until 1968 email me direct and I will see what I can recall. Idris Williams
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    Free WC & wash basin

    Hi, Free wash basin WC & cistern for any caving club. Email fore further details.
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    Olympus TG5

    Hi, I have been trying to use an Olympus TG5 for cave photography. I have used, in the past, flash on the camera covered with filters to activate firefly slaves, on various cameras. However, this one presents a problem. I have always set camera to manual & used guide nos. to set aperture...
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    Speleo Technic FX Ion battery

    Hi, Can any of you clever sparky types help with a problem. I look after 10 of these for Shropshire Scouts caving team, one will no longer hold a charge is it possible to obtain a suitable replacement. Taking the battery box apart it is a SAFT  1S1P MP176065  Li-Ion Battery Nominal voltage...
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    BCA Member Club Logo

    Hi, I am trying to download the new logo to incorporate it into our letter heading. I have found it on the BCA website can anyone advicse on how to save this as a clip art type thing? Idris Williams Shropshire Scouts Caving Team
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    Geo Cache in Llanymynech Ogof

    Hi, I noticed a geocache deep inside on a visit yesterday, which probably explains the amount of disturbance to stacked deads in the passages leading to it. Advice needed please. Should we remove it? If we do how can we stop others looking for it? It should be born in mind that this is a...
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    Battery Charger for 3 rechargable AA in series.

    Hi, Does any-one know of a suitable charger that will do three rechargable AAs in series? For our Scout Lamps we are using old Oldham headsets (LED inserts)  with rechargable AA in various battery boxes (mostly petzl zooms) It would make life a lot easier when charging to be able to do this...
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    Scout Cave Leaders in Cambridgeshire

    Hi, I have had an enquiry from an Explorer Scout in Cambridgeshire who has Scout Caver Badge and wants to do more Caving. Does anyone know of a Scout Cave Leader based in Cambridgeshire or surrounding Counties who could help him? Idris Williams
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    Caving Activity Badge

    Hi, Any one else notice that the Explorer Scout Caving Activity badge has suddenly been dumbed down? It always used to involve 6 additinal trips 3 of which involved vertical descents. Now just 2 additional trips!  All without consultation as per usual! In my opinion the overall content of...
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    Scout Cave Leaders Workshop

    The Association of Scout Caving Teams is organising a workshop weekend on Mendip 15th-17th January 2016. This will be an excellant opportunity to meet up with Scout Cave Leaders existing and prospective. The content will as far as possible be tailored to the needs & wishes of those attending...
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    General Etiquette

    Welcome to the Scout Caving section of the UK Caving Forum. When posting please use your real name, with no hiding behind nom-de-plumes. We hope to use the forum to encourage & promote caving for Scouts. So please feel free to ask any questions regarding how to go about taking Scouts...
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    Local Cave Leader Training For Scout Leaders

    Hi, The Association of Scout Caving Teams is organising a weekend training session for the Local Cave Leader Award based in the Peak District 31st October-1st November. The training would form the basis required for obtaining a Scout Leader Caving Permit and would also qualify towards the LCMLA...
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    Scout Caving Forum

    Hi, Is it possible to start a sub-forum open only to those known to have an interest in this? If so how would one go about it? Idris Williams Chair Association of Scout Caving Teams
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    Hidden Earth 2010

    Hi, Do we have a date for Hidden Earth 2010? I know it is Leek but can't remember if a date has been fixed. Idris Williams