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AI Wezzit


Well-known member
For the avoidance of confusion, the clue does not require an answer in Welsh, Irish, Scottish or Manx Gaelic or Breton.



Well-known member
As what I thought was a straightforward clue has not been solved after more than six days, here are some more hints.

1 Ones already provided.
The name is in English.
There are several miles of limestone cave.
I had wished the image looked more like a mine entrance.

2 Additional guidance.
Look at the image, what do you see?
There are letters, they can be used in two ways (semantic and symbolic) to solve the puzzle.
The name consists of two words.
The letter count is 5,4
The image directly provides the first word.



Well-known member
Get your peepers around this lot.. It's a named passage within a cave.



Well-known member
how blindingly obvious the clue was
The trouble is that it's only obvious if you know what's intended to be relevant, because the AI doesn't understand what it's including in the picture. I was looking for something related to the obvious mis-spelling or misprinting of "No Entry" and the car that appeared to be going into the tunnel, against the No Entry. Neither of those were things that you intended shown as they were, but I had no way to know that.


Well-known member
The trouble is that it's only obvious if you know what's intended to be relevant, because the AI doesn't understand what it's including in the picture. I was looking for something related to the obvious mis-spelling or misprinting of "No Entry" and the car that appeared to be going into the tunnel, against the No Entry. Neither of those were things that you intended shown as they were, but I had no way to know that.
Yes, I suppose there is a subjective element. I admit the image was rushed, the AI confabulator seemed unable to come up with either a UK "No Entry" sign or even just the words, but insisted on some jumbled nonsense. I looked at the image and thought, well I can see a car and some sort of negative sign, so CAR NO should be obvious. Then, as an afterthought, realised the clue looked too much like a road tunnel so added the text clue that pointed to it being a mined entrance. You should have seen some of the images I rejected!

The Pollnagollum clue was in contrast both obvious and visually attractive.



Well-known member
You should have seen some of the images I rejected!
That's the problem with AIs - I wasn't meaning to criticise your puzzle, just exploring the issues with getting AIs to do things. If you'd composed the image directly, by drawing or cut and paste, whatever, you wouldn't have included the things that distracted me.


Time for a clue?
Consider the general scene rather than any particular detail.
It's also not a million miles from the last one...