Bags with wheels


Active member
Now then. Wheeled main luggage I understand, 20 kg is quite difficult for some people to pick up. But hand luggage with wheels? What design problem does it solve when the mass of the bag becomes most of the allocated weight allowed and you try to absent mindendedly trip up your fellow travelers?
Wheeled tacklebags anyone? It’ll make it far easier to drag along those pesky crawls and get across the boggy moorland to the entrance.


Well-known member
Gentlefolk don’t wear rucksacks is the simple answer. My very last boss only wore Chanel, and hell would be a cold place before she put a bag on it.


Well-known member
Maybe you could do something with these:


Well-known member
I have a sort of compromise North Face bag with carrying straps but putting on and off over 20 kg in an airport is getting challenging at my age! The trouble with wheels is that they have weight but I have seen designs on line to try and get around the issue. I agree you don't see many rucksacks on holiday flights although once I took one to the Canaries and coincidentally somebody else on the same flight had one identical. They didn't check so took some smelly clothing and dive kit home then had to drive back to Somerset to return it. It was one of those sinking feeling moments when a rucksack is the only thing going round at the reclaim and you know it is not yours!


Well-known member
A hardish case is better if you are trying to arrive with clothes you can wear to a meeting. All the ones I have had also had rucksack straps hidden away in case you need to get more mobile. They generally have somewhere you can put a laptop separate from your clothes. You can tell I have done the thick end of a thousand business flights. I hate flying. I am very reluctant to fly more than a few hours in standard economy. I haven’t been further than the eastern US since I joined the leisured class BECAUSE I DON’T HAVE TO.


They might do. It happened to me a Bilbao airport returning from the Picos. As my intended carry-on bag had some heavier items plus things I wanted to keep with me such as camera, passport etc., when the person at the check-in insisted on weighing my carry-on bag in addition to the other items being weighed, they stated it was too heavy to carry on and must go in the hold.
I quickly ran to a duty-free shop nearby and got a plastic shopping bag and transferred the things I wanted to bring with me in the cabin from what would have been my carry-on bag, which did then go in the hold with everything else.

Mark Wright

Well-known member
I've had my hand luggage weighed at Manchester Airport. They wouldn't issue my boarding pass until I had offloaded some of the heavy stuff out of it. I was already at my maximum weight limit on my checked-in luggage so had to put it in the car, which was luckily close by. I went back to the car after getting my boarding pass and put everything back in.


Well-known member
Hand luggage is usually between 7 -12kg. It’s governed by what they see as a safe weight to lift overhead (or fall out).

However business class is often 2x12kg and most people prob need wheels to lug 24kg around before picking up 64kg of luggage. I once checked in 15 big bags when moving house with the kids because we had something like 320kg checked luggage allowance between us (plus a largely unused 120kg of hand luggage). It adds up, thats nearly half a ton. We had a truck thing to get to check in.


Well-known member
They might do. It happened to me a Bilbao airport returning from the Picos.
I had a right faff on a domestic Vietnamese flight where the hand baggage allowance was 7kg. Unfortunately most of that 7kg was my laptop, power bank and about 5 helmet batteries, none of which should go in hold luggage (technically I think the laptop could but I wasn't going to!). Getting it all under 7kg took a _lot_ of repacking into my hold bag. I think I only just got it under, and had accidentally put my powerbank in my hold luggage, which meant that as I went up the stairs to the gate I got stopped and given my power bank to put in my cabin baggage...

On the way out I had just filled my pockets with batteries to ensure the bag was not overweight (and then of course had not been checked), but on the way back I got a bit rushed to the check-in etc. and didn't have time - so naturally got checked.


Active member
Hand luggage with wheels is really useful if you're moving through a busy airport with a small child that can be balanced on top and pulled along.