• The next BCA Council meeting will be held on the 29th October at 7pm via Zoom.

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BCA Council Elections


Well-known member
Voted - A nice and simple system, well designed and simple to use. Well done all involved!

As regard the discussion above, in many situations I would agree with Andrew. However, with the BCA, I would rather have an empty seat at a meeting than a seat filled with a person who is going to be a barrier to the revitalisation that the BCA requires.

Too many opportunities for change have been lost over the last several years, when new people have become disillusioned by a small minority of incumbents who battle (sometimes using very dirty tactics) to maintain a dysfunctional status quo.

I'm not saying any of those standing this year would be such a barrier... I'm speaking from my experiences four years ago.

I hope that this year will break this cycle, and Rostam, Chris and the new team will be wholeheartedly supported in their efforts to get BCA's infrastructure modernised, members re-engaged in the organisation, and do more to support British caving. I'm encouraged already by the recent posts here on UKCaving and the new volunteers coming forward for the various support positions.

Thank you to everyone standing, and good luck!


Active member
The vote does give you the option to leave vacant or abstain. So just because no standing against doesn't mean they automatically fill the position.

cap n chris

Well-known member
In my view BCA Council needs the right balance of great experience and youthful dynamism. Attempting to influence the outcome too far in one or other direction is probably not good for the Association in the long run.
I hear what you're saying.


Now we're almost a quarter of the way into this new century I think it's overdue that everyone* on the executive is holding a seat from just the C21st and not tiding one over from the C20th. The time is surely ripe for a tabula rasa and fresh approaches; if they mess it up it will be their own mess and not one which has been created by obtuse obstructionists. Given this freedom, I fully anticipate them not messing things up whatsoever. Time for total change, imo.

* Yes, I sincerely mean it.


Active member
Assuming Rostam gets the nod, time will tell if he can make a difference.
I would agree that we need more younger people on council, but they do have to put themselves forward. Then we as cavers can vote for them or vote for those older/experienced members. Or take the option of not voting for them.
If memory serves me, we did have a nominee who did not get voted in and the post was left vacant.
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Well-known member
In my opinion if someone has energy and enthusiasm to run for a voluntary position, I think it should be applauded, regardless of whether their opinions differ to yours. I imagine there's little glory being on the BCA council, but plenty of pain. Well done to all those standing.

And if people want things to change, i think they should either stand up themselves or encourage others to, not tell people to sit down.

Stuart France

Active member
I have not received any voting email from BCA and it is not in my spam folder either.

How many more BCA members are in this position? Quite a few, I would presume, given the banner headline on this forum's home page - it cannot have got itself there for nothing.


Well-known member
I have not received any voting email from BCA and it is not in my spam folder either.
Having helped to set up the voting, I have a list of the emails that were sent; yours was definitely sent, to ccc at your company. I've sent you a forum message showing the email with your voting code.

If anyone else has the same issue then, as mentioned earlier in the thread, an email to membership@british-caving.org.uk would also obtain that information.


Well-known member
In my opinion if someone has energy and enthusiasm to run for a voluntary position, I think it should be applauded, regardless of whether their opinions differ to yours. I imagine there's little glory being on the BCA council, but plenty of pain. Well done to all those standing.

And if people want things to change, i think they should either stand up themselves or encourage others to, not tell people to sit down.
Easy to say when you're not getting abuse, blackmail, legal threats and dodgy stuff mailed to your place of work.

I couldn't take on the risk of another go.


Staff member
Easy to say when you're not getting abuse, blackmail, legal threats and dodgy stuff mailed to your place of work.

I couldn't take on the risk of another go.
Indeed. I really don't think those above, who praise anyone for volunteering at BCA, understand just how badly those who tried to modernise BCA were treated by those who wanted to maintain the status quo. All 2xw was trying to do was improve access to caves for under 18s in a Y&D role.
Others, in their roles and following instruction from AGMs and Council received similar. I certainly did. Sadly some, not all, of those involved are still part of BCA council.


Well-known member
I have not received any voting email from BCA and it is not in my spam folder either.

How many more BCA members are in this position? Quite a few, I would presume, given the banner headline on this forum's home page - it cannot have got itself there for nothing.
It happened to me because my email provider changed all their addresses from .co.uk to .com. If anyone else is in the same position, I suggest they check that BCA has got the updated email address.