Active member
I'll get things rolling with this trip from a few weeks ago that I forgot to enter in the CHECC race (whoops!).
A bit of Speleopoetry about checking out an old dig to see if it's worth a poke... I promise to survey it in the new year as a minimum.
Trip: Carlswark Dynamite Series to Picnic Passage, Stoney Middleton
Date: Wednesday the 16th of November 2016 (evening).
Party Members: Jon Pemberton, Tommy Moore.
I'm not usually much of a report writer, but every once in a while...
I prowled the forums, read the clues,
a trip to cure the winter blues.
Mind full of curiosity,
I sent my notes, wrote my pleas.
"Please show me where you got that bruise,
the choked up tunnels where mud does ooze."
Under Stoney, beneath the trees,
a cave awaits, a crawl, a squeeze.
The blue tube spiders had their fright;
close encounters with eager lights.
"Under the arch, and quickly please."
"Let's find a place to stash car keys."
"Through Falls Chamber, then head right."
The walls breathe in; we're only slight...
A tumble turn, then pass wellies;
with them on, you restrict your knees!
'Codeine Connection': painless route.
"We'll crawl through Porth, complete the loop."
T'owd man's been here, to pick the veins;
lead for roofing, and water mains?
Child's clog prints found where man cou'n't stoop.
Young and old, no 'ardier group.
In their old work, adventure gains.
Beneath the earth, not on the plains.
Limits of workings, pushed and breached.
Flat-out squirming, suits now mud-bleached.
Straw Inlet, up to calcite choke.
The diggers here were driven folk...
Faces half submerged, on we eeked.
"You were doing this every week?!"
The dig face ahead needs a poke,
from a gullible, foolish bloke.
The last 6 feet, third man here?
Thoughts of squalor, turn to beer.
The crystals on straws, they are nice.
In fact so bright, I might go twice.
Now, The Wanted, our goal is clear;
Bull Pit Diggers can have our ear.
Exit through Porth Crawl: all my might.
Regain surface...a fine Stoney night.
A bit of Speleopoetry about checking out an old dig to see if it's worth a poke... I promise to survey it in the new year as a minimum.
Trip: Carlswark Dynamite Series to Picnic Passage, Stoney Middleton
Date: Wednesday the 16th of November 2016 (evening).
Party Members: Jon Pemberton, Tommy Moore.
I'm not usually much of a report writer, but every once in a while...
I prowled the forums, read the clues,
a trip to cure the winter blues.
Mind full of curiosity,
I sent my notes, wrote my pleas.
"Please show me where you got that bruise,
the choked up tunnels where mud does ooze."
Under Stoney, beneath the trees,
a cave awaits, a crawl, a squeeze.
The blue tube spiders had their fright;
close encounters with eager lights.
"Under the arch, and quickly please."
"Let's find a place to stash car keys."
"Through Falls Chamber, then head right."
The walls breathe in; we're only slight...
A tumble turn, then pass wellies;
with them on, you restrict your knees!
'Codeine Connection': painless route.
"We'll crawl through Porth, complete the loop."
T'owd man's been here, to pick the veins;
lead for roofing, and water mains?
Child's clog prints found where man cou'n't stoop.
Young and old, no 'ardier group.
In their old work, adventure gains.
Beneath the earth, not on the plains.
Limits of workings, pushed and breached.
Flat-out squirming, suits now mud-bleached.
Straw Inlet, up to calcite choke.
The diggers here were driven folk...
Faces half submerged, on we eeked.
"You were doing this every week?!"
The dig face ahead needs a poke,
from a gullible, foolish bloke.
The last 6 feet, third man here?
Thoughts of squalor, turn to beer.
The crystals on straws, they are nice.
In fact so bright, I might go twice.
Now, The Wanted, our goal is clear;
Bull Pit Diggers can have our ear.
Exit through Porth Crawl: all my might.
Regain surface...a fine Stoney night.